It was unexpected❤

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Mallika's pov:

"it's been 5 years since I got the news of him getting married to someone else, i know he told me that he also didn't wished to get married to any other woman, but our fate was not with us". She is sitting in a cafe in the street of London and saying "after I got the news of him getting married to someone I left the other day for London leaving all my memories behind as i know I'll not be able to forget them if I'll be staying there, but I want to ask myself do I really want to forget the memories I spent with him? Do I really want to forget him" this question always make my mind stop, I really don't know what I want to, it's just it was pleasure having him with me, whenever he was with me I feel like I'm complete, but now it's like I'm a robot, there I guess he might be happy with his life.....marriage.....wife...and...maybe kids also! It's just as far as he's happy I'm also happy". Suddenly she came out of her thoughts when she saw a waiter was asking for order. "One Latte Macchiato". She placed her order and talked to herself, "oh no, I should stop thinking about him now". She then started reading 'ikigai' to distract herself from thinking about 'him'.
But still one part of her mind always ends up thinking about 'him' only. She was disturbed once again by waiter. She remembered how much special this coffee is for her.


She and him were sitting in cafe doing absolutely nothing but staring at each other not in love but in anger, they were throwing grenades to each other through their eyes. It was because there was an idiotic senseless arugument which took place between them on the topic which coffee is the better, she was defending her very much loved coffee ie 'Caffee Mocha' and he was defending his love 'Latte Mocchiato".
" I don't know how do you eat this much of sugar at once, it's eww" said him.
"first of all Mr sumedh mudgalkar it's a drink so it should be drink instead of eat you dumbass and it's farrrrrrrrrrrr better than your bitter LATE MACHIATO" said mallika.
" it's Latte Macchiato not Late Macchiato"
Their stupid conversation was thankfully broken by waiter as they need to realise that they were not alone in the whole cafe. But they didn't care as usual and started their very much interesting arguement.

Flashback ends

Remembering this things a tear rolled down her cheeks with a smile kept on her lips
"I still don't know how you managed to drink this bitter Late Machiato" and smiled.


Sumedh's pov

He was sitting in a cafe thinking about his love. He was lost in his thoughts when a lone tear escaped from his eyes.
it's been 5 years you left me, I haven't seen you, I haven't heard your voice, I haven't kissed you, we didn't fight, where are you khargosh, I miss you. You don't know how much I have gone through in these past 5 years. I feel so alone without you. Please come back.
He sipped his or should I say her favorite 'Caffee Mocha'
"I still don't know how you managed to drink this much sweet at a time"
He laughed remembering their never ending fights on coffee.


No one's pov :

She came at billing center and was standing in line.
"Mam, you had ordered one latte Macchiato right?"
she just nodded
"so your total bill is of $3.45"
she paid the bill and said "I must say your coffee tastes good.

Sumedh pov:

i heard her voice. I really heard her voice. This melodious soft voice can't be anyone else's other than my mikku.

With this the girl ahead of me turned and....

(start the song)

Saiyaan mere saiyaan
Saiyaan mere saiyaan (mere saiyaan re)
Saiyaan mere saiyaan. (×3)

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