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This imagine is for carter1675

Chapter Playlist:
Jamie Foxx ft. Chris Brown x You Change Me
Tyga & Chris Brown x Ayo
Chris Brown x Just Fine

Aria was watching Chris pace back and forth in front of her. He sat her down at the kitchen table about 10 minutes ago, saying that he had something important to tell her. She was losing patience and getting hella dizzy watching him.

"Umm Chris are you gonna tell me what's up anytime soon or do you wanna wear a hole in the floor?" Aria put her face in her hands and watched him.

He stopped and looked at her then opened his mouth like he was about to say something. Then he shook his head and said "No no no." Then went right back to his pacing.

Aria started laughing then quickly changed it to a cough when Chris shot her the evil eye.


"Babe this ain't even funny right now."

"Cmon Chris sit down and tell me what the problem is."

Chris slapped his forehead. "That's the problem man I can't tell you."

"Why can't you tell me?" She smiled like she was amused.

"Cause I like having my face arranged the way it is."

Aria pursed her lips up so she wouldn't laugh.

"Girl I swear to God if you laugh....."

"Calm down Chris. How bout we play 21 questions? That way you're not really telling me, I'm just finding out."

Chris walked over and planted a big wet kiss on her forehead. "That's why I love you baby. Not just ya booty, but that big sexy ass brain." Then he licked her forehead.

"Ohmigod I freakin hate you. Just sit down." Aria used her sleeve to wipe his slob off her forehead.

Chris sat down backwards in the chair across from her. "Alright let's go."

"Okay umm....so you think I'm gonna kick ya ass so its bad news."

"Uhh yeah kinda. Depends how you look at it."

"Don't be mysterious. Just say yes or no jeez. Alright umm would I break up with you over it?"

He reached across the table and grabbed her hand. "I really hope you don't." He smiled and batted his eyelashes at her.

Aria rolled her eyes. "Next question. Does it have to do with an ex?"

He nodded.

"Is it Cake Pan?"

Chris deadpanned at her. "Aria her name is Karrueche. And no it has nothing to do with her."

"It better not. Are you going back to jail?"

"Nah man."

"Well what's left Chris? Did you get somebody pregnant?" Aria started laughing then stopped when she saw Chris looking down biting his lip. "Cmon babe its funny. We're laughing right?"

Chris gave her a weak smile and a fake laugh. "Uhh it's not really that funny."

Aria froze. "What?"

"Uhh I kinda got a baby."

"What do you mean 'kinda'? You can't kinda have a baby. Either you do or you don't."

"Umm I got a baby. A little girl."

Aria raised her eyebrow. "So she's already here?"

Chris nodded.

"What's her name?"

Chris unlocked his phone and slid it across the table. Aria picked it up and saw a picture of a pretty little baby girl. "That's her. Her name's Royalty."

She slid the phone back. "Who's her mom?"

"This model I used to kick it with named Nia Amey."

Aria stood up and started walking towards the front door. She picked up her keys off the rack and yelled "Is that all?" Over her shoulder.

"Umm IInvitedNiaAndRoyaltyOverBecauseIWantedToSpendTimeWithMyBabyAndIThoughtItWouldBeAGoodIdeaIfYouGuysMet" Chris yelled everything at her in one long breath just as she opened the door and was standing face to face with a girl who just LOOKED like a model with a baby on her hip.

"Umm are you the maid? Is Chris home?" The girl said in a breathy voice while looking over Aria's head and into the house.

"Try again honey. I'm Chris's girlfriend Aria. Its nice to meet you." Aria held her hand out so Nia could shake it.

Nia just looked at her hand then dismissed it with a wave. "Go get Chris sweetie. I'm not here for small talk with you."

"Girl you better--" Aria had her finger up in Nia's face before Chris came over and picked her up and sat her down behind him. "Baby you better let her know!"

"Aria. Chill. Nia how you doing? And how's Daddy's baby?" He took Royalty out Nia's hands and started making kissy faces and tickling his daughter.

Nia mean mugged Aria then stepped past her into the house.

"Let's see how good you model with two broke legs hoe." Aria muttered under her breath while she closed the door.

Nia sat on the couch wayyy too close to Chris for Aria's liking. So she went over and scooted her way in between them. Nia gave her another death look and Aria blew her tongue in her face.

"Chris sweetie, please get this little girl out my face." Nia turned her nose up.

"Ohh I'll show you a little girl." Aria lunged for her Aria before Chris grabbed the back of her shirt.

"Nia look. I gotta have a relationship with you so I can have one with my daughter but you gotta meet me half way. You don't have to like Aria, but you gone have to respect her."

"Okay Chris."

"Aha." Aria said under her breath.

"And the same goes for you too Aria. You gotta at least respect Nia."

Aria crossed her arms and sat back on the couch. "Yeah whatever."

"Thank you." Chris got up and started walking towards the kitchen with Royalty in her arms. "Do Daddy Baby want some popsicles? Cause Daddy got all the popsicles just for his baby."

Ari and Nia looked after him until they couldn't see you anymore.

Nia reached in her purse and pulled out a compact mirror and lipstick. She started putting it on when she caught Aria's eye in the mirror. "Just to let you know, this is only temporary. Soon enough Chris is gonna come to his senses and come live with me and Royalty so we can be a real family and he'll leave you over here lonely."

Aria stood up and laughed. "Girl don't fuck with me. I'll end yo bitch ass life then have your daughter calling me Mama."

Nia's mouth dropped open in shock as she watched Aria walk towards the kitchen.

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