@Carter1675 #2

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Another one for carter1675

Chapter Playlist:
*High School x Nicki Minaj
*Right By My Side x Nicki Minaj

Kyler and Chris walked into the back room of the tattoo parlor. They'd been saying they were gonna get matching tattoos forever and they were finally gonna do it. Kyler sat down in the artist's chair.

"Where you want it at?" The guy asked her as he put on a pair of gloves.

Kyler rolled up her sleeve and exposed the back of her wrist to him.

He looked at her little wrist and laughed. "You gone need some ice on this shit baby girl. You ain't nothing but bone. You know what you want?"

Kyler rolled her eyes and looked over at her boyfriend Chris who had his mouth covered, trying not to laugh. "Chris get my phone out your pocket and show him the picture."

"Yes ma'am." Chris unlocked her phone and scrolled through Kyler's pictures. (The picture in the media.) "Here you go man." He handed the phone to the tattoo man.

He nodded. "Dope as fuck. You going next after ya girl?"

Chris nodded and sat down in the chair next to Kyler. "You ready Thuggette?"

Kyler rolled her eyes again. "Its just a little tattoo Chris. I think I can handle that."

"Yeah but aren't you the one who was scared to get their blood drawn at the doctor's office?"


"So? So that was a needle going in your arm one time. This bitch is gonna go in like a thousand times."

Kyler rubbed her wrist. "Its not gonna go in that many times.... Is it?"

Chris shrugged. "I mean look at me. I'm covered in tattoos so it can't be that bad right?"

She shook herself. "Yeah so shut up. You're just trying to scare me. And get out my purse."

Chris was digging through the bottom of her purse like he was looking for treasure. "I'm lowkey hungry as fuck and I know ya ass got some candy in here cause I put a bag of Blowpops and Tootsie Rolls in here for emergencies just like this."

"That's why all my shit be sticky. Keep yo candy in the car or something."

Chris found a long Tootsie Roll and unwrapped it. He popped it in his mouth and started smacking on it before he answered. "Nope cause you always making me always hold this big ass purse. I might as well have something in it for me."

Kyler smiled. "Well can I have one then?"

Chris looked at her with his cheeks stuffed like a little squirrel. "Girl gone. You might throw up."

"Chris gimme a piece of candy!"

"Damn you always begging. Here." He flicked a little Tootsie Roll at her while he put a strawberry Blowpop in his mouth.

"Thank you baby." Kyler put the candy in her mouth just as the tattoo guy came back over and started to sterilize wrist.

Kyler could feel herself getting nervous but there was no way she was about to back out. She had been talking about getting this tattoo for forever. If she backed out now, Chris was never gonna let her hear the end of it. Hell he had like 50 tattoos. If he could do it that many times then she knew she could do it once.

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