@Browntyler616 #2

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Part 2 for my woe Browntyler616. Based off the song Boyfriend #2. I love me some Pleasure P and that's my song. Don't judge me lol.

Chapter Playlist:
*Boyfriend #2 x Pleasure P
*Dilemma x Nelly & Kelly Rowland
*Same Girl x Usher & R. Kelly

August poked his head in his and Tyler's bedroom. Tyler was sitting on the bed painting her toes.

"Good yah already gettin pretty."

Tyler looked up at him. "What?"

August came all the way in and laid across the foot of the bed. "We goin tah ah party tahnight. So get pretty."

Tyler smirked. "So you tryna say I'm not already pretty?"

"Yeah man yah pretty. I jus meant ya know be on ya A Game tahnight." August turned bright red as he answered.

Tyler reached forward and pinched his cheeks. "I already know I'm bad baby. It's just good to here you say it."

"Yeah yeah whatever," August mumbled as he got up and went to shuffle through the closet for something to wear.

Tyler went back to painting her toes. "So who's party is it anyway?"

August took a black and gold shirt out of the closet and held it up against his body in the full length mirror. "Uhh Trey."

Tyler paused and looked up at August. "Trey who?"

"Stop playin Bae. How many Treys yah know? Trey Songz duh."

"I can't go."

"Whatcha mean yah can't go? Yah got ah problem wif Trey or sum?" He turned away from the mirror and turned his lip up at her.

Tyler smiled to herself as she thought back on all the nights she had with Trey when August was out of town. Sneaking around to places on the side of town where they knew nobody who knew any of them would hang out. That was her boyfriend number 2 when August wasnt on his job. No she sure didn't have a problem with Trey, but if August knew what they'd been doing he would.

She shook her head. "Nope no problem."

"Then getcha ass up and find sum damn clothes. Shit I gotta look in my otha closet." August walked out the room and down the hall.

"Fuck." Tyler reached for her phone and called her woe Rina.

"Fuck you want Tyler?" Tyga picked up on the third ring.

"Really nigga? Y'all that close that you answering her phone now?"

"Mike can I have my phone please?" She heard Rina ask the background.

"Nah you busy." Tyga said back to her. Then he said into the phone, "She busy."

"MICHAEL STEVENSON GIMME MY DAMN PHONE!" Tyler held the phone away from her ear. Rina little ass could be so damn loud sometimes. "Hello?"

"Damn nigga. You just killed his and my eardrums."

"You need to get some of that volume out your voice too girl," she heard Tyga complaining I'm the background.

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