@LisaFulcher #2

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Part 2 for baby girl. LisaFulcher I forgot that she asked for this like forever ago. Like she legit had to remind me. Oops my bad

Lisa woke up the next morning with the sun shining hard in her eyes. She squinted in annoyance then stretched lazily. She stopped her stretching abruptly when she felt her hand hit warm skin. Lisa rolled over. August was asleep with his mouth wide open.

Lisa paused as the events of last night came back to her in waves. She remembered August, Chris Brown, and Trey Songz walking in the club she was in. She remembered them sitting at the bar and acting a ass. She remembered giving August her phone number.

"Ohhh." She groaned as she remembered what happened after that. Her and August had a few more drinks and after he got her good and tipsy, he led her out to the dance floor. They spent most of the time vibing to music. That is until the DJ started playing Pretty Ricky. Lisa had the liquor in her system and she couldn't resist grinding on August's sexy ass. One thing led to another and apparently she ended up back at his house.

"I'm surprised he even let me stay the night. I knew I had the juice." Lisa muttered to herself as she climbed out of the bed and bent over to pick her clothes up off the floor.

"Mmm ya got tha juice and ya got tha ass too Ma." Lisa jumped at the sound of August's voice. She straightened up and turned around to see him propped up on his elbow,watching her.

Lisa smirked. "I knew it." She bent down again to pull on her panties.

"Mhmm....keep bendin ova like that in front of a nigguh and he gone give ya ass this work again. Where ya goin anyway?"

She looked over at him again and raised an eyebrow. "Umm home?"

August chuckled. "So ya just gone hit it and quit it huh? I thought we was vibin."

Lisa smiled. "What are you saying? You don't want me to leave?"

"Pssh a nigguh ain't say all that." He dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

"Cool I'm gonna go then." She finished getting dressed then started to head for the door.

"Hol up hol up chill. Maybe a nigguh don't want cha tah leave yet. Ya happy?" August jumped out of bed and ran over to the door, blocking it so she couldn't leave out.

Lisa smirked and sat down on the bed.

"Stop all that sexy ass smirking." August joked as he walked his naked body over to his dressers to find a pair of basketball shorts to cover up with.

"I'm sorry." Lisa replied as she leaned back and crossed her legs. "If you don't want me to go home yet, then what's the move?"

August yawned and stretched. "J don't know bout cha but a yungin tired as fuck. I just wanna be lowkey. I ain't doin shit all day."

"Fine with me. But can I go home and change? I smell like sweat, sex, and alcohol and that's not cute."

August gave her a sexy half smile. "Didn't I just say yo ass wasn't going nowhere? You can wear some of my shit."

"No offense August but I'm a plush pal. How am I gonna fit into your small ass clothes?"

August gave her body a slow once over, licking his plump pink lips the whole time. "Ya ass damn sho thick. And I ain't luh where it count, but ya already know that."

Lisa blushed as he went back in his drawers, looking for clothes that she could borrow.

"Ya talkin like a nigguh just anorexic. Skinny nigguhs winning, tha fawk ya thought? Ya want some boxers or ya free ballin?" He stopped talking and turned around waiting for her reply.

Lisa shrugged. "I guess I'll free ball."

August smiled again. "That's sexy as hell. But I ain't gone think about it cause its tah early tah be wakin up Mr. Classy."

Lisa rolled her eyes at his back. She could not get over the fact that he called his dick Mr. Classy. The way he did her last night was anything but classy. Hell it was downright disrespectful.

Lisa laughed at herself. She was so freakin funny. August stood up and walked over to her with the clothes in his hand and a confused look on his face. "What's so funny?"

"Me. I make myself laugh."

August cocked his eyebrow. "Ya crazy as fawk baybeh. Anyway ya can use tha shower first unless ya need Daddy tah come help ya out." He licked those lips again.

"Tempting.... But I think I can handle it. I'm still a little sore from Mr. Classy." She took the clothes from him and tried to go in the bathroom.

August leaned against the doorframe, blocking her entrance. His ass loved blocking doors. "That's aight. I'll just watch then. I promise me and Mr. Classy won't touch nothin."

Lisa laughed. "And you think you can handle that?"

"Nope but once ya was in tha shower how ya was gone stop meh?" He leaned down and whispered in her ear, making her shiver.

Lisa cleared her throat and ducked under August's arm into the bathroom. She quickly pushed the door closed behind her and locked it. She heard August laugh softly on the other side.

"That's cool. Ya gotta come out eventually."

About 30 minutes later, Lisa finished her shower and slowly emerged from the bathroom. She did a quick once over of the room but August was nowhere in sight. She walked over to the closed bedroom door and stuck her head out.

"So what yo ass doing that's so damn important that I gotta leave?" It sounded like Chris cry baby ass.

"Business bruh. That's all I'm tellin ya so ya mihh as well give it up."

Lisa walked downstairs into the spacious living room where the two men were talking. Chris stopped his argument when he saw Lisa enter the room. He narrowed his eyes at August.

"Damn nigga! You already smashed her? You ain't even give me time to get at her." Chris sounded like a little kid who just had his favorite toy taken.

August laughed as Lisa came and sat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "What can I say? These females luh Yung."

"Man whatever. Fuck you! Not you, Pretty Thang. Fuck my fake ass brother!" Chris walked out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"Fuck me? Whatchu doin in my kitchen then?" August called after him.

Chris came back a minute later with a giant bag of hot Cheetos. He plopped down on the couch next to Lisa and August and shoved a handful of chips in his mouth. "I'm eating my pain away. So what we doing today?"

"We? Ain't no we bihh. Only we, is me and Lisa."

"And Breezy." Chris said, spraying pieces of chips at Lisa, which she flicked off.

August rolled his eyes. "We was gone watch Netflix and chill."

"Cool. Lemme pick the movie." Chris grabbed for the remote.

"I fuckin hate him." August whispered loudly in Lisa's ear while she giggled.

"I heard that shit."

"Good maybe you'll leave next."

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