Chapter 13

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"After a thorough examination of the blood and scan, I have determined that the blistering under the skin should heal relatively quickly."

Doc clasped his hands, eyeing Med. "How quickly?"

The girl swallowed and answered, "Without any added medicine, two weeks. But with the enhanced drug, she should recover in a couple of days."

He squinted at her, noting a redness to her neck. "You seem to be developing a rash, Med."

She reached up quickly, placing her hand on the red. "It's nothing. May I be dismissed?"

"Prepare a treatment for subject one and administer it. You're dismissed."

She gave a slight bow and quickly left. "What did you do now?" He asked, tilting his head and resting it on his propped hand.


Doc gave Prodigy a bored look. "Right, nothing. Do you need something, or can you leave. I have a report to prepare."

His protege was leaning against the corner of Doc's lab, a dark look over his face. "What's happening with the prisoners?"

Doc sighed and pushed up his glasses. "You heard what was happening with subject one. And subject two is set for another round of.... punishment. Why the interest?"

"No specific reason." Doc could tell Prodigy was lying as he wasn't good at it. "Is Rogue still gone?"

The scientist drummed his fingers on the table he was sitting at. "He should return soon, now that he's dealt with the problem." Doc squinted, inspecting his student. "You're lying about something. Why is that?"

He could see the veins on Prodigy's forehead bulge. "I'm not lying."

Doc twisted around and stood up, placing both of his hands behind his back as he strode across the room. He leant towards his protégé. "Prodigy, I know when you're lying. I know everything that happens inside this mountain, and I know what's going on inside you. So, try again."

"I'm merely concerned for the survival of our subjects. Particularly subject two. I don't think she can survive more, punishment." Prodigy's eyes danced from side to side, tinges of yellow flecking his irises. Doc moved away, sighing. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small vile, the liquid glowing blue.

"Fine, if you're so concerned that she won't survive," Doc started. "Then give this to her."

Prodigy took the vile, gingerly holding it up to inspect it. "What is this?"

Doc smiled. "A gift from our friends at the junkyard. They might be dirty, and semi uneducated, but they have useful gadgets. It's a highly poisonous toxin, should do the trick."

Prodigy grimaced. "I thought they only built stuff."

Doc shrugged. "Mechanic's a jack of all trades when he wants to be."

"Don't we need Nya alive?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Do we?"

"Don't we?" Prodigy countered.

"Am I interrupting something?" A third voice said. Prodigy jumped at the deep voice, but Doc merely rolled his eyes.

"You have an annoying way of entering a room, Noble." Doc said as he faced his superior. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Prodigy wince and bow slightly, but Doc did not copy. He refused to bow to Noble, and Noble knew it.

Noble snorted. "You have an annoying sense of self worth. Moving on, I need a moment alone with you."

Doc sighed, (Normal, when Noble was around) "Prodigy, take the poison and put it in lab three. Bring subject two to me in an hour."

Prodigy nodded and left the room. Noble scanned the room then landed his gaze on Doc. "I've brought word from the Supremity."

"No," Doc gasped sarcastically. "I thought you were just coming to see me."

"You're a lot more disrespectful than normal." Noble observed.

Doc placed two fingers on his nose bridge to push his glasses up. "Some results aren't to my liking. But I'll explain when you're done."

"Hmph. Well, another test is required. Supremity would like you to explore every angle you can safely apply to subject one." Noble adjusted a gold ring on his finger. "So you have the permission you requested. As long as you don't kill the girl. It would take too long to acquire another wind elementalist."

"About that," Doc could feel his mouth going dry. "There is a... slight problem with the girl's power. We monitored the elemental reactor while she was in the machine, and as it progressed, we saw large repression in her brain. Basically, there was a mental block that stopped the machine from extracting a more pure amount of power from her."

Noble furrowed his brow. "A block? Is that possible?"

Doc pursed his lips. "It's not supposed to be. I designed the machine to reach the elemental power from those who hadn't unlocked it yet. With this girl, she doesn't appear to have unlocked it, but all the test's I've run say that she should have been able to work proficiently in it. That's why I requested permission to do additional tests."

"That is concerning." Noble admitted. "Can you run her through without full use of her power?"

Doc nodded. "Yes, but it will take more out of her. The pain will be the same either way, but the internal damage will theoretically be worse."

With a dismissive wave, Noble moved to the door, stopping with his hand on the knob. "Prodigy, he's coming along well, isn't he?"

Doc felt a shiver run up his spine. "Yes. He lives up to his name."

Noble frowned. "Watch him closely. I've had some concerns brought to me about him, and it's my job to report them. You know what happens with weak links."

He straightened. "No loose ends, I know. Speaking of loose ends, what of the ninja?"

"We have use for them right now." Said Noble with a smirk. "But because of their absence, I have to see Critic in the media division."

Doc grinned. "Have fun with that, she's a pain."

"Ha," Noble turned the knob. "Be at the meeting later, we will be discussing important decisions. Decisions that might affect you, brother."

"Of course." Doc nodded. "I'll be there.

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