Chapter 15

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"Hold still."

That's funny. Hold still Tempest, because you're so able to move. Her thoughts had sharpened after the first time she woke up, although she was still paralyzed. Well, not paralyzed in the traditional sense, but everything hurt so much she could as much twitch a finger.

The girl, Med had come back and was now inserting a thin needle into Tempest's left elbow. She tried not to look at it, but Tempest couldn't turn her head or even close her eyes. The last time she'd closed her eyes, it had been torture to pry them open again. Med pulled the needle out after injecting something into Tempest, and waited. Numbness spread through her legs and up through her body, a warm sensation following as it faded. Tempest took a deep breath, surprised that it didn't hurt nearly as bad as it had been. After another five minutes, Tempest could move without much pain.

"What did you give me?" She asked her voice dry from no use.

"It's a mineral called Ambrosite. It's standard for traveling doctors and tea physicians." Med informed her.

Tempest knew nothing about medical staff, biologists yes, doctors no. "Did it heal me completely?" She tried to sit up, but Med put a hand on her shoulder and guided her back down.

"No, you'll feel like it has, but on the inside it's still working. It'll take at least another couple hours for you to be mostly healed." Med looked genuinely concerned for her.

"Thank you." Tempest glanced at her, noticing red marks on her neck. "If it's not classified, can you tell me what happened to you? Those marks weren't there the first time."

Med placed a nervous hand over her marks. "It's survival of the fittest here. Everyone has a scar somewhere." It wasn't really an answer, and Med knew it, so she added, "It was given to me as a reminder that someone can kill me whenever, and wherever."

"That's terrible." Tempest stated. "But this place is terrible, I guess I should have expected that."

Med rolled her eyes, dropping her hand. "Maybe, but we survive. It's because of ruthlessness that we've been able to build this."

"Oh I forgot, sorry. Thought I was talking to a normal girl for a moment." Tempest scoffed.

"Nothing normal about me, and it has nothing to do with who I work for," said Med.

Tempest raised an eyebrow. "So you weren't always a terrible human being?"

Med clenched her jaw. "Classified."

"Then leave me alone please." Tempest asked, rolling her eyes. "Since everything is classified here, and you're all horrible people, I'd prefer a quiet cell." Med did leave, but it didn't make Tempest feel better. Now she was alone, really alone. The only company that might be had, were her thoughts, or liars and murderers.

You should feel at home. Tempest froze, the voice unfamiliar.

"Who's there?" She said allowed.

"Stop talking," said a different voice. "I've been guarding you for days now, and your fake hallucinations won't help you."

He can't hear me, only you can. Said the voice again.

Who are you? She thought.

You asked for company, sort of anyway. So that's who I am, company.

How am I hearing you? Are you invisible?

No, I'm not invisible. I used to be able to do that though. This is more of a vision than an actual conversation. I just wanted to talk to you before your inevitable death.

Tempest hmphed. Thanks a lot. You're making me feel so much better.

That's not how you address your elders, Tempest.

Ha, She thought sarcastically. You're not real. So I can treat you however I want. It's my insanity we're talking about.

Oh I'm perfectly real. At least I used to be. I have a long story to tell you, but I think you have time. It has to do with your new friends, and my old teacher, Sensei Wu. He was supposed to train you, but he failed in that.

Tempest felt a shiver run down her spine. What are you talking about?

Let me put it this way, would you like to hear a ghost story?

Um, no. Not really.

Well too bad, I didn't spend a lot of energy communicating with you, to not tell you this story.

Fine, it's not like I have something better to do.

Good. Not that you had a choice. It starts a long time ago, with a girl named Moira, and a boy named Morro.

Author's Note

Sorry, it's a short chapter, I know. The next one should be longer and I hope you will all enjoy it.

(A short note for a short chapter) -Elizabeth Grace Winston

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