Chapter 1

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The evening was clear in Ninjago City, quiet and peaceful. People bustled about, going to or from work, and in general everyone was in a good mood. Down in the lower parts of Ninjago city, a girl was running quickly. Her bright, curly red hair flicked randomly from underneath a bandana as she charged towards a tea shop at full speed down the street. When she she finally reached the building, her speed dwindled only slightly by the pushing of the front door, though she panted from breathlessness. Inside were shelves lining each wall, and a counter towards the back. On each of the shelves were rows and rows of glass jars full of tea. Behind the counter was a short man with equally short dark hair.

"Hi Jordan." The girl called out, puffing as she headed to the counter.

"Hello Tempest." Jordan greeted, smiling wide. "How are you today?"

Tempest stopped at the counter and offered a polite smile. "The same as normal. I'll be better when I get home."

"Of course." Jordan nodded, rummaging through something behind the counter. "How many rounds do you want?"

"Just one. But I'll be back next week. Trish only needs three more rounds, at least that's what the doctor said."

"Ugh!" He let out a disapproving sigh. "To think someone so sweet and kind would get such a bad disease."

Tempest nodded. "Yeah..." she shifted uncomfortably. "Do you have the tea?"

Jordan shook his head as if to clear it, and held up the little package. "My apologies, you don't want to hear lectures. Have a nice evening."

Tempest took the package and held out a stack of coins. "Thank you, Jordan. See you next week, or sooner, who knows." She waved as she left, closing the door behind herself. A few blocks down the street lay a little blue house in desperate need of a paint job, and surrounded by other assorted colorful houses, which also were in need of paint jobs. Tempest went straight up the path to the house and entered, closing the door behind herself tiredly. She stopped just a moment at the door leaning her head against it, before scanning the room to make sure everything was in order. The inside of the house was a single rectangle with two beds on the left, and a tiny kitchen and dining room on the right. Plus a small bathroom by the beds. The walls were wood, and the one light was slightly crooked in the ceiling. Besides the minor annoyances the house was in order.

"Tempest?" Came a small voice. Tempest took a breath and put on a smile heading over to one of the beds on the left.

"I'm back, Trish." Tempest told her sister. Trish was lying in the bed, pale but in good spirits. Her blonde hair had paled as well as her skin, the only part of her not losing color being her eyes, which were a brilliant blue.

"How was work?" She asked weakly.

"The same. But I managed to get your next tea round." Tempest informed Trish, trying to sound upbeat. "It has been helping.."

Trish coughed. "Maybe, we'll have to see if it actually cures me."

"Don't talk like that." Tempest ordered. "You have three rounds left, including the one I'm about to make you, it will definitely have fixed you by the end."

"If you say so." Trish relented, smiling a little and throwing off her blankets. "I'll make the tea, you go change out of those clothes. They'll need to be washed for tomorrow."

"Trish, I can make the tea, it's fine." Tempest interjected. "I'll do the other stuff once I'm finished."

Trish shook her head slowly. "I might not be able to do anything else, but I can do this." Tempest gave her sister a concerned look, but didn't push any farther. Her sister was the sweetest person in the world, but when she wanted to do something herself, she was as stubborn as a pig. Tempest left and changed out of her work uniform, which consisted of overalls and a bandana, then went to see how Trish was fairing. Her sister had managed to get the tea prepared, and to Tempest's relief, seemed unaltered from the exertion. She sat down at their tiny table and watched Trish sip the tea.

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