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When Prodigy finally let them stop, Tempest's legs felt like led. They had made it safely to a forest 500 feet from the base of the mountain, but with how hurt she physically was, it felt like farther. She plopped down panting, Prodigy doing the same. She took a few deep breaths, then stopped. While she sat there, the world caught up with her. When she had been running, everything had dissolved into basic commands; run, jump, don't fall. But now that she was sitting, there was nothing to stop her from coming to grips with what she had just done. The instincts she had been relying on were failing completely.

"Oh, stars." She exclaimed. "Oh, stars, oh stars."

Prodigy scooted closer, kneeling by her with a concerned expression. "What? What is it?"

"I just left, Kai." She gulped, staring at the snow with wide eyes. "I just left him. I should have gone back with him, I can't believe I didn't. I don't even know you. And I gave up being with people who actually care if I survive." She was rambling and she knew it, but Tempest didn't care. "I'm alone in the woods with a guy who has a weird name and tortured me. Why did I listen to you?"

Prodigy grabbed both her shoulders and shook her, hard. "Tempest, you went with me because it's safer. For you, for me, and for them. They would have been in more danger if you had gone with Kai. And if one of them got hurt, it would have been because of you."

"But, but.."

He caught her gaze and stared directly at her, his purple eyes reflecting the light of the stars. "Tempest, you don't want that guilt, trust me. If not for anything else, trust me on this."

She swallowed, "Alright, ok.." He squeezed her shoulders then sank back on his knees. She sighed, trying to make her breathing go back to a normal pace. "I'm sorry about that. It's just-"

"I know." Prodigy interrupted. He gave her a crooked smile. "Weird name?"

Tempest blushed. "Uh, oops?"

He shook his head. "If it helps you trust me, it's not my actual name."

That surprised Tempest. "It isn't?"

"Every agent is given a name based on something about them. I was a prodigy growing up. Hence the name." He explained, leaning back on his hands.

She considered that. "What's your real name then?"

His smile dimmed. "Uh, maybe we're not ready for that. It's kind of personal. Plus, no one calls me by my real name. Not even Damion."

"Oh.." Tempest could feel another blush coming, and decided to quickly change the subject. "What do we do now?"

"When I was younger, I found a cave in this forest that should work for a hiding spot." Prodigy offered. "We'll have to find food, but there's a village close, so that should be easy."

Tempest nodded. "That sounds good. Maybe a medical kit too. I'm pretty sure when my adrenaline is completely gone, I won't be moving as much."

"Yes," He agreed. "And we'll need to begin training you quickly too."

"Training?" She repeated, arching an eyebrow.

He smirked. "You don't think we'll be able to survive if you can't fight?"

"Didn't think about it in the five minutes we've been talking." She conceded sarcastically.

Prodigy stood up, grinning. "Well that's why you need me." He held out a hand, and Tempest took it gratefully. He hauled her up, and they both headed deeper into the forest, engulfed by the mountain's shadow.

Winds of Change: Rising StormWhere stories live. Discover now