Chapter 12: Pregnant Again & Another Argument

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I've been pregnant for almost a few days. I couldn't tell Newt, cuz I started drinking to get these thoughts of worry out of my head.

No wonder Angelina is so attached to Newt than me. He's kind, comforting, inspiring, he gives advice. He's helping her the way he helped me, while leaving the others left out sometimes. I'm just the third-wheel. What's wrong with me? And I can't let Newt know I'm pregnant again, especially since I'm drinking while pregnant, he'll hate me. But I do wanna tell him about the baby. God, I feel so guilty. I have to tell him the truth. I thought to myself as tears stream down my cheeks and I take another sip of the the alcohol. I snap out of my thoughts as the door knocked.

"Jacqui? You've been in there for 10 minutes. Are you sure you're doing okay?" Newt asks through the door. I quickly hide the alcohol and wipe my tears.

"Um...yeah. Totally." I answer.

I come out of the bathroom and run past Newt and go back to our room. I sit on the bed.

"Jacqui...what's going on? You're not being yourself again. What is it? You can tell me anything." Newt says as he sits next to me on the bed. I take a deep breath.

"Newt...I...I just found out something wonderful. Here it goes. Newt...I'm pregnant again." I say to him with a worried face. A big smile appears on his face.

"Jacqui...that's wonderful! Angelina's gonna have a little brother or sister!" Newt says as he hugs me tightly. Except I'm so nervous to tell him that I'm a few days pregnant and I should've told him that first day. And I can't tell him that I'm drinking.

"Yeah...!" I say with a nervous smile.

"What's the matter, Jacqui? Aren't you excited?" Newt asks me in concern.

"Of course I'm excited!" I say while looking in his eyes as I sign that I'm honest about that.

"Then...what's the bloody problem?" Newt asks.

"I...I just...I..." I try to make up a lie, but then tried telling him the truth. I feel so confused. I sigh in defeat.

"It...It's nothing." I say, failing to keep a brave face.

"Jacqui...please..." Newt whispers trying to get me to talk.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Can you please respect that?" I ask him while tearing up.

"No. You can tell me anything. Please. What's troubling you, darling?" Newt asks gently as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I...God, where do I start? Newt...I...I've been pregnant a few days and I would've told you the first day, but...I...oh God, I'm...I'm...I'm drinking..." I say as my voice breaks and tears stream down my cheeks. Newt looks at me in shock.

"You're...You're drinking?" Newt asks, trying to piece everything together. I nod hesitantly and close my eyes tightly since I don't wanna face what he might do or say to me.

"I...I don't understand. Why would...? Bloody hell, Jacqui, why?! Why are you drinking while pregnant?! Don't you know how dangerous that is?! Where is it?" Newt lashes out at me as I flinch and more tears stream down my cheeks. I deserve this.

"Where is it?!" he asks me where the alcohol is.

"It...It's in the sink cabinet in the bathroom, oh God...!" I sob. Newt walks to the bathroom and finds the drink hidden in the cabinet. He walks back into the room and has an angry look on his face.

"Jacqui...why would you do this to yourself? To our new baby in there? And that's why Angelina was drinking earlier. She's seen you and it's being a bad influence on her. Why? Why would you do this?" Newt asks me in concern and anger at the same time. I flinch. I'm scared to tell the truth about how I've been feeling.

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