Volume 1 Chapter 1: Leaving The Nest

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The sky was grey the day a beloved angel fell and lost her wings. Tears fell from the eyes of thousands, the heavens were crying over her death. Roses were placed on her grave, words were said, and a promise was made.

8 years later:

Lizbeth Yagi smiled happily as Melissa indulged her with future potential hero names. "Blink?  Because you can trade places with your light attacks?" Melissa said, with a wide smile as she wrote it down. "Vex sounds pretty cool! What about that?" Melissa wrote it down as a potential Hero Name. David walked into the room and asked what they were doing. "We are trying to figure out what my hero name is going to be. Do you have any ideas, uncle Dave?" He thought about it and then got a light bulb in his mind. "How about Starlight? It's cute and accurate. You are our shiny little star." She blushed brightly and covered up her face and Melissa and David laughed at her cute reaction. She shook her head and then went back to thinking about her name. "Maybe you are onto something, Uncle Dave. Something Star-related maybe. Thanks!" He blushed slightly at her words,"No problem, kiddo." He ruffled her hair. She giggled slightly. He walked away and went upstairs to relax after a hard day at work.

Cries of the innocent echoed throughout her ears as she tried to sleep. She woke up to see a kind face staring back at her. She cradled the young one and smiled warmly. A familiar face entered the room and groaned deeply as he rubbed his neck. "Honey it's my turn to take over." She smiled happily and passed the tiny star over to the blond-haired man with ocean blue eyes. His wide smile never disappeared as he looked down at the little human.

Lizzy ran towards the entrance of her middle school on the island owned by her uncle Dave. Her side smiled never faded as she looked around as she walked to her classroom. She's one of the only kids with a quirk there, but she doesn't mind. It's just her normal these days on the island. People use their minds more than quirks anyways.

She's a very popular girl among the kids and adults on the island. And not just because she's the daughter of All Might. Her charisma is very high and her positive attitude towards those around her is immense.

Time passed quite quickly, she was very liked by those who were going to become hero support item inventors and hero business runners. She got a few of their numbers during graduation.

15th birthday party~ The whole island sent her gifts of all sorts. She unboxed them at the house with Melissa and David by her side. They made her a cake and she devoured it happily.

David gives her Glitch the special sword hilt gadget, for her to infuse her light quirk with.

Melissa gives her a phone with their contacts and a special pair of goggles made personally by her.

She got a call from her father,"Happy birthday, my little Lizzy." She smiled happily,"Hey Dad, how's it going?" "Perfect, just perfect. Have you given it some thought about what you want to do about Highschool?" She looked over at uncle Dave. "I want to become a pro hero in Japan." All Might's eyes widened in shock,"Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm not afraid of him coming for me anymore. As a hero, I must stand my ground." All Might started crying over the phone. "You've grown up so much. Okay, when do you want to come here?" "Today, by air." "But how?" "Flying." "You can fly?" "You will see, very soon dad." She hung up. He texted her a location. She looked up to see David and Melissa hugging her tightly.

She put all of her essentials in a singular backpack and then walked to the balcony. They both followed her outside and she exhaled slowly. She spread out her wings and they grew in length. She looked back and saw David and Melissa crying silently. She smiled warmly and said,"Don't worry, I'll be sure to call and visit you as much as possible. I love you." She took off into the distance leaving the nest and becoming truly free. She wiped her tears and spun around in the sky screaming out in excitement. "Whoooo!" She flew above the clouds and picked up the speed with her becoming one with the sunlight. She zoomed through the air as fast as light itself.

She took a few breaks and charged up. She stood on her light platforms in the air far away from anything to avoid any unwanted attention.

She continued on with her journey and arrived at the apartment late at night. She went to knock but the door opened to reveal her father in his shrunken form. His eyes widened at the sight of her navy blue wings and her warm smile. He embraced her with tears streaming down his face. "Welcome to Japan." She pulled away and stored her wings in her back. She went inside the apartment and took off her backpack, as she sat down on the couch.

Her father got her a cup of hot green tea. She sipped on it slowly. She talked to him about what school to go to.

A week later: She gets pair of keys to the apartment, her own room set up, allowance, and license to fly.

She greeted her father as he came home really late,"You waited for me?" She nodded her head. "Where were you?" He froze up but then relaxed instantly after,"I found a kid to take my quirk. He's your age, you might see him at the entrance exam." She nodded her head perfectly calm. "You aren't mad at me?" She tilted her head to the side just slightly. "Why would I be mad at you?" He sighed softly,"Because I didn't give you my quirk." She stood up and held out her right hand. A ball of light collected in her palm, it spun around at immense speeds. "I have the power to bend and produce light itself. I have no need for your very powerful quirk. I can fly, heal others, and do much more." She clenched her fist and the ball of light went back into her body. He smiled happily at her words,"I'm glad you are so confident in yourself."

She walked towards him and hugged him tightly. He tensed up but soon relaxed and hugged her back. "I love you, dad." "I love you too, Lizzy."

To be continued...

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