Volume 1 Chapter 4: Heart Breaking News

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Previously: On their way to his house: Deku looked over at Lizzy nervously. She noticed and smiled genuinely at him,"Hey cheer up, I'll help you with controlling that power of yours. Afterward, if I can train to control this power then so can you. Everyday after school I'll train you myself at the school's TDL Gym." He looked surprised,"But what about..." "Principal Nezu owes my mother a favor, it should be fine. Plus I can heal you if you get injured. It's fail proof, I'm telling you." She punched his shoulder jokingly. He started crying with joy. "Thank you so much!" She smiled happily,"No problem, Midoriya-Kun."

The next morning: She left her house a few hours early again, she doesn't need as much sleep as most people.

She leaned up against a pillar near the entrance and hit snooze as she recharged in the sun. She heard her name being called," Mrs. Bloom?" She opened her eyes slowly to see Mr. Aizawa glaring at her with a tired look. She yawned softly and went to speak. "SHOOOTA!!!" She grabbed her ears and stumbled back. She tripped on the concrete ground and fell to the ground groaning in pain. The one who screamed abnormally loud instantly panicked at the sight of a girl bleeding heavily from the ears, nose, and eyes. She reached out and pushed herself up slowly. She limped towards the sunlight. She started to glow bright gold, where she was bleeding. She incinerated the blood with her light and she slowly turned to face the two teachers and pro heroes. "You must be Present Mic, my English teacher." *English* His eyes widened at the sound of her speaking fluent English. "You just spoke..." *Japanese* She nodded her head. "I'm half Japanese and half American. I grew up in America and only just moved here a few weeks ago. I hope my Japanese is good enough, I've only spoken it to my father a few on the island." "Island?" Aizawa and Mic said, curiously. She sighed softly,"I didn't mean to say that, damn." *English* She covered up her mouth. Mic started to laugh,"No worries, little listener. I won't tell on you." *English* "Speak Japanese, you damn loudmouth!" Aizawa hit Mic in the shoulder. Lizzy started laughing,"Huh?" They both looked at her questionably. She stopped and cleared her throat,"My father bragged about you two a lot. You are exactly how he described you back in the day. He doesn't talk much about my mom but he talks about you, his best friends." Aizawa blushed lightly. Mic went to ask who her father and mother was but then...

Principal Nezu came out and asked why they were being so loud this early. Then he made eye contact with Lizzy. "Rosalin Bloom? What are you doing here?" Her eyes widened and she felt her heart skipped a beat. "No, you must be mistaken. My name is Lizbeth Bloom." Mic's eyes widened immensely. He started to shake, Aizawa rested his hand on his friend's shoulder. She looked around and saw fear in their faces. "What's wrong? Didn't my father tell you I was..." All Might appeared behind her and pushed her out of the way of Ectoplasm kicking her. She fell to the ground breathing heavily. "She's no threat, Nezu. She doesn't know anything about her mother either." She stood back up and walked towards her teachers with tears in her eyes. "What's happening?" They all looked at her with sympathy. Her eyes were so innocent. "Is it about the man in the suit killing my mother? One day I'll get revenge on him, for all he's done to the world! That's a promise!" She held her tight fists into the air with determination written all over her face. Mic started to cry. "You poor thing." He walked towards her and pulled her into a warm embrace. All Might sighed softly,"You didn't tell her?" Aizawa said, seriously angered. "I couldn't bring myself to do so." She tried to move but Present Mic was covering her ears and holding her place. "You need to tell her sooner or later." Ectoplasm said, sternly. "She's going to find out by someone else." Nezu stated sternly. Present Mic pulled away and smiled genuinely at her,"I'm sorry about that little listener." She looked around there were more teachers looking at her with hesitation and fear. She sighed softly and collapsed to her knees. "Why does everyone already hate me? I just got to this country!" They all reached out but refrained to help her. She started shaking uncomfortably. Present Mic reached out to help her up but she stood up glaring at her father. "You are lying about something, aren't you?" Everyone looked at her surprised. "Why would you say that to me?" He said trying to get out of trouble. "They all know something about my mom but you know too. Present Mic covered my ears and held me in place, it was gentle and nice but still." She and Mic blushed lightly. She shook her head and clenched her fists extremely tight causing them to bleed. "I spent my entire life on an isolated island, I barely got to see you. I don't even know what my mother looks like! But from what principal Nezu just said, I look just like her!" She stood there starting to glow bright gold. "Tell me it straight, right now. If you don't I'll find out sooner or later, and we both know that will explode. Quite literally." He went to say something stupid. But then Aizawa said,"If he won't say it I'll tell you." She shook her head,"My father here is the number one hero. If a man of his stature can't even tell the truth then he shouldn't even be a pro hero that protects people." Her blunt word stabbed All Might in the heart. He started to shake uncomfortably as he went to speak but nothing came out. She created a dagger of light and held it up to her neck. Everyone panicked and Aizawa used his quirk but it didn't work. He went to move forward but he bumped into something. So did everyone else, including All Might himself. She started to burn her neck, causing it to bleed heavily. All Might reached out but was stopped by an invisible wall. "SPEAK!" He clenched his teeth tightly together trying so hard to hold back the truth. "You don't think I won't kill myself?" She stabbed herself in the shoulder with the dagger. She flinched slightly but then created another one and stabbed her left arm. All Might started crying. She kept stabbing herself until blood poured out of her entire left side. "All Might, just tell her!" "Tell her!" "She's going to die!" They all panicked and begged him to say something. Lizzy stumbled backward but stopped herself with a barrier. "Why is so difficult?" (Lizzy) "Please don't make me." (All Might) She slid down the barrier and coughed out blood. She created one last dagger. "One last chance." She made the dagger into a spear. Inches away from impaling herself he screamed out,"She was a villian!" The spear disappeared and she fell to her hands and knees breathing heavily as her wounds slowly healed up. "What?" All Might stood there in silence. Lizzy didn't even bother to repeat her question. She stared at the ground in shock, her eyes and entire body shook violently in shock. "You blacklisted her from my life and memory because she was a villain? I wasn't supposed to come here, you put me on an island to keep me from finding out the truth. Your friends and fellow pro heroes, all knew the truth." *English* Present Mic and few others understood her words. She stood up but kept looking down at the ground. "Thanks for letting me know the truth. I'm sorry for my actions. I hope you can all forgive me, and give me a chance to prove myself." *Japanese* She walked away from her father and slowly made the barriers disappear. And let her father go last. "It seems like I've wasted enough of your time." Her blood disappeared from the concrete as if the situation never happened.

She walked towards her classroom in a daze. Her heart was racing but her eyes were glazed over. She sat down in her seat like an emotionless sack of meat. She stared at the chalkboard without blinking for a while. Mic took a peek and his eyes widened in surprise,"Aizawa you need to exclude her from hero class." "Not going to happen, I have a feeling if I do that she will become violent. She's devastated, just look at her. All this time she thought her mother was a pro hero that helped others and got murdered for no reason. She's been lied to for her entire life." She exhaled slowly and looked over at them both and spoke up,"May I be excused to the rooftop?" Aizawa shook his head. She nodded her head,"Sorry for asking."

Deku arrived and saw Lizzy wasn't acting like her cheerful self. He said, her name the second time and she woke up from her thoughts. "Sorry about that, I didn't get much sleep." She smiled with her eyes closed. He said it was alright. "Do you want to eat with me, Urakaka and Tenya?" She shook her head. "I have to do something during lunch, I'll join you tomorrow. Kay?" He nodded his head excitedly. She sat there feeling dead inside.

A few hours later, Lunchtime comes around and she gets up to leave her class. She gets her lunchbox out and walks around with her backpack over her shoulder, it's a sling brand.

She wandered the hallways and went past Present Mic's room, she went to turn the corner but he said her name. She turned around to see him smiling widely. "Wanna sit in my room?" She went to decline. "I know you are hurting, please just talk to me." She froze in place and gripped onto her lunch box tightly. "Alright, Mr. Mic." She walked towards him and ducked under his arm. She sat down on a seat in the front, across from his desk. He sat down and leaned on his two hands as he watched her eat her food. She glanced up to see him smiling genuinely at her. She set down her chopsticks and stared into his orange-tinted glasses. "I'm sorry I scared you earlier." His eyes widened just slightly but his glasses hid this fact. "You didn't..." She went back to eating. He leaned back in his chair and sighed softly. She closed her box, put it back in her bag, and stood up to leave but she stopped. "Mr. Mic, can I ask you something?" He looked over,"Of course." She turned around and looked at him a bit embarrassed. "Can you please hug me, like before?" He blushed bright red and then stood up abruptly. She hesitated to walk forward, he walked towards her and embraced her gently. He smiled widely as she started crying softly against his chest. "There, there, you aren't alone. I'm here for you."

Lunch ends and Hero Studies class begins. It's heroes versus villains in a fake city building. A hostage situation.

Heroes: Shoto & Toru


Villains: Lizzy & Ojiro





Shoto ignored his teammate and thought he could just freeze the entire building and win easily. But unfortunately, he was going up against his counter, light as hot as the sun.

To be continued...

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