Volume 1 Chapter 2: Dreams Do Come True

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A few more weeks passed from when Lizzy arrived in Japan to live with her father, All Might.

It's time to take the entrance exam for U.A high school a hero academia.

Lizzy dashed out of the apartment and locked the door behind her. She took off flying into the air, she made her way to the school a few blocks away.

She reached the school and put away her wings once she landed gracefully onto the ground in front of the huge archway.

She headed to the auditorium and got the rundown from Present Mic, a friend of her father's. She got her location and walked towards the huge door to a fake city. "How rich is this school, for real?" *In English* Present Mic screamed out in English,"ARE YOU READY!?" She sighed softly and grew her wings. She looked up to see the big doors open, she flew through the tiny crack and break the sound barrier, blowing everyone back. Present Mic's eyes widened in surprise. "What are you waiting for, Go!" *Japanese* She flew past huge robots at immense speeds and decapitated them within a blink of an eye. She flew up to the sky and spotted a few on the outer edge. She held up her right hand, yellow light swords formed in the sky above the roaming robots. She gestured her right hand down and into a fist. They rain down on the living metal until they were dead.

She relaxed and sat down on the edge of the building. "That should be enough, right?" (She talks to herself in English and to people in Japanese unless specified otherwise.) The buzzer went off and she pushed off the ledge and glided down to the ground below but then saw a green-haired kid falling from the sky, after defeating a huge robot. Her heart sunk into her stomach, she flew at full speed. She caught him and wrapped her light around the girl trapped underneath the rubble. She landed gracefully in front of the pro hero Recovery Girl. She smiled happily at the green-haired kid,"Be more careful, kid." He blushed bright red that a girl was holding him. She set him down,"Thanks." "Mrs. Recovery, may I speak?" She looked up at her and nodded her head. "I know you have a lot of kids to heal but I can heal people with my quirk. Can I take care of these two?" He nodded her head. "Sure go ahead sweetie, i already know about you from All Might." She smiled and held her hands above the brunette and broccoli boy. Her eyes and hands started to glow bright yellow. Their injuries started to heal up magically with her using up her energy, but she soaked up the sunlight to recharge.

She took a step back and put her hands on her hips proud of her actions. The brown-haired girl puked as she saw stars. The green-haired kid sat up suddenly and looked up at the girl that save him. "Thanks for the save!" She held out her hand and smiled genuinely,"No problem, hey what's your name? I'm Lizbeth Yagi but you can call me Lizzy." His eyes widened,"Yagi?" She started to walk away, he followed her quickly. "Yeah, that's my name. What's yours?" He blushed bright,"It's Midoriya Izuku, but you can just call me Deku." She heard the nickname and turned around, she walked backward casually,"Doesn't that mean useless in Japanese? Nah, I'm good. So is your last name Midoriya or Izuku? I'm still confused with the customs here." He looked at her sideways. "What does that mean? Are you not Japanese?" She shrugged,"I'm half Japanese and half American. My japanese is fluent but sometimes my time in America messes with my head." He nodded his head,"The last name is announced first but my first name is Izuku. Calling people their last name is commonplace unless said otherwise." She nodded her head agreeing. "Ohh yeah okay, well Midoriya I have good news." He stopped a few feet away from the entrance and she did as well. "I know your secret." His eyes widened in shock. As people passed them from both sides, she smiled happily. She walked towards him and leaned in close. "I don't like to brag about my parents but All Might is my father." She whispered softly. She pulled away with her hands in her baggy cargo pants. His eyes widened even wider than before. "No way..." She turned around and smirked slightly,"Let's go, down to the beach. Midoriya-Kun." He nodded his head and followed her nervously. She had her wings put away to avoid unwanted attention.

They reached the beach and All Might is in his shrunken form,"My little Lizzy! Oh...and young Midoriya?" She spun around and smiled genuinely at Midoriya,"See i told you I'm his daughter, no lies or deceit here. I know about his quirk and about the process. So we can be friends without secrets. Isn't that a relief?" He fell to his knees breathing heavily in shock. "Midoriya-Kun? Did I say something wrong?" All Might sighed softly,"You are too blunt sometimes." She looked at Midoriya nervously. "Oops." She grew her wings and held out her hand. He looked up and said,"An angel?" She giggled and grabbed his wrist and pulled him up. "Not quite but that is my quirk's name, "Angel Of Light." Please cheer up for me. I'm sorry, I freaked you out." He grabbed her hand,"It's alright, it's just I didn't expect All Might to have a child my age. It's really surprising, he's my idol after all." She giggled slightly at his words,"I see you are just surprised that he had a kid. Well, he was dating my mom hidden from the public for the most part. Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting to know you." He shook her hand blushing red in his cheeks. She let go of his hand and crouched down,"I must be going, see ya later!" She flew into the distance, she was tired and wanted to sleep.

The next day~ Toshi calls his daughter down from the two-story apartment. She gracefully floated down and yawned softly.

She ate the leftovers she cooked last night before she went to sleep. She sat down and gave him her full attention. "Yeah, what's up?" He opened a picture book of his Highschool days with his friends. "I helped out freshman back in the day that is now my best friends. Hizashi Yamada aka Present Mic. Kayama aka Midnight. And so much more." She saw a very tired-looking kid, he laughed,"He's an Underground pro hero, Eraserhead aka Shota Aizawa." She flipped through the pictures and laughed at her father's most embarrassing moments. He blushed and instantly regretting showing her.

A few weeks later: First Day~

She put on her uniform and has her special pair of goggles resting on her head. With her favorite navy blue & gold high-top sneakers with star patterns.

She left so early that the sun wasn't even up yet. She flew over the sky at a relaxing pace. The breeze felt great against her skin, she had her goggles over her eyes to protect them.

She landed gracefully in front of the double doors, she out on her inside shoes, and decided to explore the halls and school a bit before anyone got there. She waved happily at the staff, they quietly waved back. She reached out to grab a random door handle but was suddenly interrupted by a low, monotone voice. She turned around and saw a familiar face. Her eyes widened in shock, her entire body froze in place. "What do you think you are doing?" She screamed out in shock,"You're my father's friend!?" He looked at her confused and a bit irritated that she was shouting this early. She started to shake nervously and she covered her mouth with her left and right. "I wasn't supposed to disclose that, way to go Liz." *English* His eyes widened at her speaking another language. "Who are you?" She took a step back. A rough pair of hands rested on her shoulders. She looked up to see her father,"What's to be the problem, Aizawa?" "This kid is acting suspicious, I think she may be a villain." She lowered her arms and sighed softly,"That guy behind me is my dad. My existence was a secret, even from his best friends." Aizawa's eyes widened and his jaw dropped down. "It's true, Aizawa. But she has her mother's last name. Bloom." Aizawa took a step back,"She's Rosalin Bloom's daughter?" She looked at him with surprise,"You knew my mother?" All Might saw students start to come,"It's time to go class, Mrs. Bloom." She relaxed and sighed softly,"Okay, Mr. Might." She looked at Mr. Aizawa and bowed,"I'm sorry for being so rude with wasting your time." She walked past him and went inside his classroom. He vocally groaned annoyed,"She's my student? Are you kidding me?" All Might chuckled softly,"She may be the daughter of Bloom but she's not like her at all. Please give her a chance, Aizawa." He nodded his head and entered the lounge to get coffee. "I'll try my best, All Might."

To be continued....

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