Volume 1 Chapter 3: Overwhelming Potential

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Previously: She reached out to grab a random door handle but was suddenly interrupted by a low, monotone voice. She turned around and saw a familiar face. Her eyes widened in shock, her entire body froze in place. "What do you think you are doing?" She screamed out in shock,"You're my father's friend!?" He looked at her confused and a bit irritated that she was shouting this early. She started to shake nervously and she covered her mouth with her left and right. "I wasn't supposed to disclose that, way to go Liz." *English* His eyes widened at her speaking another language. "Who are you?" She took a step back. A rough pair of hands rested on her shoulders. She looked up to see her father,"What's to be the problem, Aizawa?" "This kid is acting suspicious, I think she may be a villain." She lowered her arms and sighed softly,"That guy behind me is my dad. My existence was a secret, even from his best friends." Aizawa's eyes widened and his jaw dropped down. "It's true, Aizawa. But she has her mother's last name. Bloom." Aizawa took a step back,"She's Rosalin Bloom's daughter?" She looked at him with surprise,"You knew my mother?" All Might saw students start to come,"It's time to go class, Mrs. Bloom." She relaxed and sighed softly,"Okay, Mr. Might." She looked at Mr. Aizawa and bowed,"I'm sorry for being so rude with wasting your time." She walked past him and went inside his classroom. He vocally groaned annoyed," She's my student? Are you kidding me?" All Might chuckled softly," She may be the daughter of Bloom but she's not like her at all. Please give her a chance, Aizawa." He nodded his head and entered the lounge to get coffee. "I'll try my best, All Might."

A few hours later: Lizzy woke up to the sound of loud bickering. (She's replacing Sato/Sugarman) She's in the back left corner, she opened her eyes to the right to see a familiar brunette. She waved while yawning softly,"Hey there, I'm Lizzy, what's your name?" The brunette's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. "I'm Urakaka Ochaco!" "She's bubbly, just great." *English* "Huh?" "Oh nothing, I'm just talking to myself. It's good to meet you, Urakaka." She looked around and saw a spiky blonde-haired kid with his feet up onto his desk and cursing at another kid with weird eyebrows and expensive glasses.

Then suddenly a familiar green-haired kid entered the room, she stood up faster than Urakaka and said excitedly,"Midoriya, hey!" He jumped out of his skin and then smiled happily at the sight of her being in his class. But then he saw Katsuki Bakugo. He gulped hesitantly. She sat down and yawned softly again.

Mr. Aizawa walked in and told the students to shut up. They were being noisy and disruptive, and he didn't like it one bit. He said to put on their gym outfits and go outside. Some asked about orientation but he blew them off. He was glaring at Lizzy the most, she felt his eyes but ignored them.

Aizawa told them about a quirk test and a possible expulsion if they get the last place. Deku started to freak out, Lizzy put her hand on his shoulder, he looked over to see her smile. "Don't worry, be smart and you will do just fine." She heard her name, she walked towards her teacher and grabbed the ball. She took a step back and gripped onto the ball. "I've got this..." *English* She charged up a throw and a light spear appeared around the ball. She released her grip and it shot through the air breaking the sound barrier several times over. Her palm and arm started to produce steam. She healed up and turned around smiling happily with a shine in her eyes. Aizawa was expecting some bragging or insults but nothing came out.

Leap: She stood there exhaling slowly. She ran towards the line and leaped into the air. She kept jumping on her light platforms until she reached the end.

Speed: She stepped next to Bakugo and Tenya Ida. She grew her wings and ripped through her shirt. She pushed off the ground and became a bright light. She broke the record, and she overshot the landing. She laughed nervously," Sorry about that." She put her wings back into her body.

Side to side: She did it normally at first, slowly got faster and faster until she was glowing bright like the sun. She broke the record again.

Strength: She didn't get a huge score but it was average.

Sit-ups: She, Midoriya, Bakugo, and a few others tried to see who would get first place. Lizzy got the gold as usual.

Push-ups: She was the first place winner but didn't brag about it, she complimented everyone and said it was close.

Everyone did their throws and then it came to Deku. He struggled at first but then use his index finger. He got Aizawa's attention. And someone else's. "Deku, where did you get that power!?" Aizawa restrained him just before he could do anything. All while Lizzy was inches away from creating a barrier. They looked at the scores and Aizawa called them idiots, 'it was a logical deception to get to show their all.' Lizzy had a feeling he wouldn't be that cruel to this group of kids, they all have great potential.

She relaxed as everyone left. She looked at the scores. And clenched her fists tightly,"I did it, uncle Dave." She heard her name being called,"Lizzy!" She turned around and saw Midoriya running towards her with a big smile. She waved happily at him. "Hey, Midoriya-Kun. Wanna walk home together?" "Sure!" She started to walk away but her father appeared out of nowhere. "I'm coming through like a hero!" She faced palmed. "No one ever talks like that. So embarrassing." She groaned irritated. She turned around and smiled at her homeroom teacher,"Have a nice day, Sir. I can't wait to go plus ultra and stuff." His eyes widened just slightly. She walked with Midoriya towards the entrance.

Katsuki Bakugo was waiting at the entrance with a nasty look on his face. He dashed towards them,"Tell me everything about your newfound power! Were you lying to me this entire time!? Damn Deku!" He set off a huge explosion but once the dust settled a glowing yellow barrier was surrounding Lizzy and Izuku. He had his hands up and whimpering in fear. Lizzy was standing her ground with a serious look in her eyes. "Back off!"

All Might & Aizawa watched from afar as she protected Midoriya without any hesitation. Unlike her mother, looking down on the weak like Bakugo.

Lizzy rested her hand in Deku's shoulder,"As long as I'm here, this jerk won't harm you." "Who are you bitch!?" She smiled happily at his insults,"I'm Midoriya-Kun's friend, who are you? A jealous fanboy or something?" He growled deeply and tried to break through the barrier but nothing worked. "What the hell is this made out of!?" "Light itself, that's my quirk. I can create anything out of light. But if you paid attention during the tests you would've noticed it's not all I can do." She held out her right hand and it became golden light,"Fire?" Izuku said, confused. "Nope, Golden Light, it looks like fire sometimes but it's not. But it does burn if grab one of you. Bakugo right? I'm warning you, Midoriya-kun is my new favorite person. You better not try to hurt him for no reason." She grabbed Deku's wrist and they walked past Bakugo. He went to grab Deku but a light barrier appeared upon impact. "Invisible barrier!?" "Exactly."

On their way to his house: Deku looked over at Lizzy nervously. She noticed and smiled genuinely at him,"Hey cheer up, I'll help you with controlling that power of yours. Afterward, if I can train to control this power then so can you. Every day after school I'll train you myself at the school's TDL Gym." He looked surprised,"But what about..." "Principal Nezu owes my mother a favor, it should be fine. Plus I can heal you, if you get injured. It's fail proof, I'm telling you." She punched his shoulder jokingly. He started crying with joy. "Thank you so much!" She smiled happily,"No problem, Midoriya-Kun."

To be continued...

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