Volume 1 Chapter 8: Hands Off Him!

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Previously: Lizzy & Deku fought against All Might in Heroics Studies and won. Lizzy became Class 1-A's representative. Deku unlocked full cowling, and they all got their costumes.

The next day: (Friday) Lizzy ran into the school and towards her class. She just barely made it in time. Everyone looked over to see her sweating and breathing heavily. Deku rushed over and asked what happened. "I was flying and then out of nowhere, a villain set fire to my wings. The sun is being covered up by the clouds so I couldn't use my quirk without being too exhausted later today." Almost everyone looked worried for their class representative.

The day went on and her wings slowly healed up using the man-made light around her. Denki uses his quirk and she absorbed his sparks and refueled.

During lunch, Lizzy was wandering the hallways trying to get over the news that her father has been lying to her this entire time. The fight yesterday, made it clear to herself and him that she's still angry. She turned the corner and ran into Present Mic. She fell back but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. Before he realized what he did she was crying against his chest. He panicked and looked down to see Lizzy balling her eyes out. He went to say something but then she said,"I'm sorry, it's just I can't hold it in anymore." He held her close and patted her head. "It's alright, let it out, little listener." Aizawa turned the corner after hearing her painful words. He stood there with a serious but tired look as usual. She pulled away from Mic and looked at Mr. Aizawa,"I'm sorry for overstepping..." He walked towards her and reached out his hand. She flinched as she stopped bowing and saw his hand coming towards her. His hand rested on her head, her eyes widened in surprise. "There's no need for you to say sorry. All Might is the one who should be sorry. What he did was cruel and not right." She tried hard to stop crying, but the years kept coming. Present Mic leaned down and smiled genuinely at her with a thumbs up," Us heroes and teachers are here for you." She looked at them both and smiled with a shine in her eyes. "Thank you."

All while they cheered her up, All Might was standing on the other side of the hallway. He gripped onto his chest and started crying. "I caused my angel to cry. How can I call myself a hero?" He walked away with nothing but sorrow in his heart.

A few minutes later: (A alarm went off.) Present Mic and Eraserhead ran towards the entrance, leaving Lizzy all alone. She heard a sudden crash up ahead so she decided to go check it out. As she turned the corner she just barely dodged an attack from a strange-looking young man. His eyes widened slightly,"Sis Rosa?" She stood there in silence, he saw her eyes were a different color. "You aren't my sister, good. I can kill you!" He reached out to grab her but she became light itself. He tried to grab her but all he did was get his hand burned. She kicked him in the gut and he slid back into the wall.

He grabbed the wall and turned it to dust. He went to leave but the open-air rejected him he turned around only to be punched in the face. He grabbed her wrist but before he could do anything she released the barrier and he fell back towards the ground. A purple portal swallowed him up before he could hit the ground. A piece of paper slowly descended from the sky, she grabbed it and looked down. "USJ schedule? What's that?"

She saw the sun was out finally. "It seems like the future is bright for the heroes." She walked towards the principal office. She stepped inside and informed him of what happened. She was untouched but breathing heavily. Her eyes and body were shaking a bit in fear.

A few minutes later of a discussion. They decided to go with the USJ still but with caution.

Lizzy soaked up the sunlight as much as she could before going on the bus in her hero costume with the others.

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