Volume 1 Chapter 7: Level Up!

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Previously: The bell rang, Katsuki walked past Deku and Lizzy and avoided eye contact with them both. Kirishima ran after him. Lizzy grabbed Deku's hand and ran past everyone with a huge smile across her face. Deku blushed bright red.

2nd day of training Deku's Quirk: He punched the air but his bones broke again. She stopped him from doing any more damage. He was sweating bullets, while she was fully relaxed. "Calm down, and breathe in and out slowly." He did just that and went to cry but then she said,"I believe in you, please trust me when I say, you got this." He wiped his eyes and stood back up. "Thanks, Lizzy." She smiled happily at him. "No prob, Midoriya-Kun."

Thursday morning: Lizzy walked into the classroom with high spirits, Bakugo stepped in front of her, everyone went from loud to quiet. She looked into his hesitant eyes,"You are stronger than I expected, but next time I won't lose. I get stronger and beat you!" She went from looking seriously to smiling happily at him. She fist-bumped his chest where his heart was located,"I'm looking forward to it, Firecracker." He tensed up and went to insult her,"Oops, I mean my rival." His eyes widened slightly, he looked down and saw where her hand was. She walked past him and gave Deku a high five. "I have some insight on today's hero class. You and I are fighting All Might."

A few minutes later: Aizawa told them to sit down and shut up like usual. They did so, very quickly. "You are going to decide on a class representative today and tomorrow. While you do that I'm going to sleep." He got out his sleeping bag and went to sleep.

The class was chaos but then Lizzy stood up and clapped her hands. Everyone looked at her with full attention. "Let's put it up to a vote, democratically like in the country of America. Momo will you please create us a voting box with a slot and a few cards for us to write on. You can't vote for yourself, or that will defeat the purpose of having a voting system." She sat down and everyone else scrambled to get their thoughts together.

Deku: 3

Lizzy: 12

Tenya: 1

Bakugo: 1

Momo: 2

The class looked at Lizzy and she rubbed the back of her neck nervously. She stepped in front of everyone and sighed softly. "I guess, I have no choice but to accept your votes. To be honest I voted for Deku but if you guys want me, then... I'll do my best to represent our class." She smiled happily as she bowed just slightly.

Lunchtime: Lizzy was approached by Urakaka, Tenya, and Deku to see if she would want to have lunch with them today. She happily accepted and they all headed towards the lunchroom.

Hero Class: Deku & Lizzy vs All Might

Lizzy walked out towards the fake city and caught everyone's attention. The guys instantly blushed bright red and the girls got jealous over her style.

All Might saw more of Rosalind than anything. Aizawa was a bit surprised that she looks like a real hero more than a villain.

Lizzy had a bitter taste in her mouth after hearing about her mother but that won't stop her from becoming a pro hero.

She stopped in front of Deku and smiled genuinely,"Let's show this symbol of peace, how we young heroes fight. He's alone but we have each other." He gave her a fist bump and started to shake nervously. She smirked slightly as she pulled down her goggles.

A/N~ Hero Costume: Black skintight bodysuit underneath their clothes, the navy blue outlines the golden stripes, that glow.
High collar Navy blue tailcoat with a golden inside. Black painted silver zipper and buttons. The shoulders, and on the back of the coat has gold glowing stripes, outlined by black. Black skinny leggings tucked into their high-heeled boots with black laces and golden painted iron soles. Golden & Black leather goggles tinted navy blue, resting on their head, hanging from their neck, or equipped.

All Might distanced himself from them and so they could form a plan. The buzzer went off and Lizzy flew up in the sky and looked around for All Might. A metal pole threw her, she went to dodge but he leaped into the air and drop kicked her in the chest. She coughed out blood and disappeared. His eyes widened and got stabbed in the back by a light spear. He landed on a rooftop and looked around to see Lizzy and Deku running away to cover. He pulled out the spear and threw it at them. It landed in front of them, Lizzy looked over, and then just before he knew it he was punched in the back by Deku. His eyes widened as the Deku with Lizzy was a light clone.

A/N~ Light Clone: (They can create clones of themselves and others made out of light.)

He went flying towards Lizzy, she ran up her light platform staircase. She pushed off the last stair and created a huge light hammer. As all Might fell to the ground he saw the huge hammer come towards him. He punched the air and shattered the hammer and sent Lizzy flying. He crashed into the ground but got back up and leaped towards Lizzy. Deku screamed out her name in desperation. She spread out her wings and held out hands as she screamed out,"Deku, hit the deck!" All Might charged up a punch and flew towards her with immense speed. She smirked devilishly saying,"You may think I'm not as powerful as you and mom, but you are sorely mistaken." Giant clenched fists appeared in the air and all went straight towards All Might. He tried to dodge but he was boxed in with light barriers. His eyes widened at her immense strength,"PLUS ULTRA!" All of the fists hit All Might at full force, she felt weak and started falling back. The barriers shattered like glass. All Might fell to the ground as well, beat up and smiling happily at her overwhelming strength. Deku leaped into the air and caught Lizzy. She healed his broken legs and right arm. He glided down with the help of Lizzy's wings. They both looked over at All Might, he was barely standing. "I give, clearly you are stronger than me. Starz & Deku."

Deku set down Lizzy and he helped her stand. She screamed out in excitement,"We did it!" Deku smiled happily and held up his hand.

After school: Deku kept training under Lizzy's guidance and just before training stopped for the day. He punched her thick barrier of light and didn't break his bones and he started to feel his entire body warm-up. He looked down at his hands and green static electricity came off of him. His whole body felt pumped with adrenaline. He kept breaking through the several layers without breaking any of his body. He ran towards her excited,"You did it!" She gave him a double high five and jumped up and down with their fingers interlocked. "No, we did it!"

He blushed lightly but pushed past his embarrassment and sat down exhaling slowly. She did the same,"So what do you want to call it?" His eyebrows raised slightly. "How about, full cowling." "Sounds good, let's go get some ice cream. My treat as your temporary training instructor." They both walked towards the nearest convenience store.

To be continued...

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