Things I want to change

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Okay so I love Total drama and all but somethings...well I wanna change somethings to make my dr more enjoyable.... So yeah. I'll also be adding people and changing teams and other stuff like that because I can


> Killer Bass (Original)

Bridgette, Courtney, Dj, Duncan, Eva, Ezeikiel, Geoff, Harold, Katie, Sadie, Tyler

In total - 11

> Killer Bass (New)

Me, Bridgette, Courtney, Dj, Duncan, Eva, Ezeikile, Geoff, Leshawna, Gwen, Trent, Tyler

In total - 12

Changes - I added Leshawna (Cause shes amazing). Removed Harold (Sorry dude), Katie and Sadie and replaced them with Gwen added Trent (Gwen's the best and I dont want her to suffer with out trent soooo yea)

> Screaming Gophers 

Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Justin, Izzy, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen and Trent

In total - 11

> Screaming Gophers (new)

Beth, Cody, Katie, Heather, Justin, Izzy, Harold, Lindsay, Noah, Owen and Sadie and Jade

In total - 12

Adding People? -

I cant believe im making a best friend for my dr (I don't have one irl so yeah)

Name - ( I wanna choose something cool but also emo [ see notes that dont exist] ) Jade

Age - 16 years old (duh)

What she looks like - Visualize/ imagination ( I DONT KNOWWW AHHHH)

Team - Gophers (even it out)

Thats it ( I dont want to script to much for Jade)

I think I based her off of Jade from a show i used too watch (Victorious)

Headcannons for my DR -

> Chef being like Terry Jeffords (B99)

> Me and Gwen (possibly Duncan and Trent? Idk) having a emo pop punk band [off brand green day basicslly]


> Paint fight (paint balloons etc.)

> Leshawna not getting voted off that way ( I would rather have owen voted off)


> Me and Courtney having a debate team ( maybe not sure yet)

> Me punching ezeikile (I cant spell Lmao) [ I know this is a bad intention but stillll]

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