My extras and why I'm adding them

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> I always smell good

I'm adding this one mostly because I don't wanna deal with smelling bad and stuff

> My hair looks good in every hairstyle I wear/try

My hair irl is soo bad but really bad I just wanna make life easier

> I am immune to getting acne and pimples and other skin problems/diseases etc.

Who wants to deal with acne? like ew

> I am always comfortable

Meaning I wont get cramped in tight spaces or I'm  always comfortable around people

> I am immune to getting illnesses mental and psychical

Just because

> I cant get attached to my dr or people IN my dr

You see these people crying on tiktok who are crying because they left their dr. Who cants to go through that?

> I am good at doing makeup

I cant do makeup irl so this helps

> My safe stuff

Safe word = RedDeadRedemption ( I have never played the game so I don't think ill say this in my DR)

I am unable to get stuck in my DR

> Characters

(courtesy of zuureelna's amino blog post thing because I cant come up with stuff)

characters like , noah, eva, duncan, courtney, and chef have a soft spot for me

I got rid of heather on the list mostly because it would be unnatural if she didn't lave me alone but she either likes me or just ignores me

> If I have a pocket or bag or a box I can pull out whatever I want or need even if it doesn't fit
Its basically a superpower. Imagine how useful this would be, no food? No problem. It's that simple.

> We can use devices and stuff like that but not during challenges (unless its the sleeping one or the wilderness stuff )

> I have a needle phobia but not severe (edit : its called Tyranosaurusrexphobia [ iM kIdDiNg] its actually Trypanophobia) and I have to get a tattoo for phobia factor. I would rather have Duncan do it than to have Chef or Chris give me a tattoo. Duncan seems like he knows how to make a tattoo.

>  if I  end up as a finalist, most of the campers will root for me  (amino blog credits to Zuureleena? I cant spell)

> script that sierra doesn't end up bothering him (Cody)too much and she learns to respect his privacy. along w/ her getting some help because i don't want her to stay hyper obsessive for her sake ( I decided to add this because i don't want Cody to suffer

> I am attractive and people find me beautiful

I wish lmao

> I am iconic and one of the most liked and funny characters

I don't wanna faillll

> Everyone cant die and they have a high pain tolerance

I mean why not?


This is pretty basic but i think ill be more comfy it it was 3d


Meaning if I touch a blanket it would feel like a CR blanket

> nobody makes jokes related to bigotry

(amino blog credits)

I don't wanna keep doing bullets so Im just gonna make a huge list....

Stuff that's underlined is from her blog Ill link it at the end

Everyone understands my jokes. Everyone has Gen Z and millennial humor.  We can wear different outfits everyday. ( so lets say Cody mostly wears a sweater over a shirt and some jeans. He would wear variations of the same style or Eva mostly wears athleisure she would mostly wear t shirts and yoga pants basically). When I fully shift my eyes will automatically open . When I fully shift I will smell a strong peppermint smell. I have an infinite amount of clothes. The show is modern. I can't forget my safe word. When I fail at shifting i get 50x closer. Nobody can manipulate me *cough, cough* heather* cough*.

That's it for this chapter. Its longer than I expected but whatever. I hoped you liked it <3

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