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Put on your seatbelts and cowboy hats. This is gonna be one long-ass chapter. I decided to make this chapter because
 1. It'll make up for all the short chapters
2. It helps me review my script without having to reread each and every chapter
3. I feel bad about missing Friday's upload 

So yeah. Anyways I should stop typing random nonsense and get on to my script. Btw, you guys are in for a treat, I'm working on a youtube video and hopefully, it'll be done tomorrow. It's a shifting subliminal. For reasons, I've decided to make a new channel. Of course, I haven't made the channel yet. So yeah. Also, I'm gonna use, fonts, borders, and cute stuff just to make this more pleasing to the eye. You guys are REALLY lucky. Anyways you guys could use this as a template. 

✪ My Total Drama Shifting Script

☇ Me
◉ Name - Priscila Aurora Fiasco

◉ Nicknames - Pris, Aurora, Ella
◉ Age -  16 ( duh)
◉ Looks - Dark brown hair with lighter highlights, green/brown eyes, lightly tanned skin. 115 pounds, 5'4
◉ Personality -  The same as me in my cr.
◉ Usual Hairstyles - My hair is usually let down and a pin holds my hair back sometimes. 
◉ Ethnicity and Nationality - Mexican - American
◉ Residency and all that good stuff -  Santa Monica CA in the US of A
◉Team - Island: The Killer Bass
◉Pronouns, Sexuality, and Birthday -  She/her, Bicurious. August 06, 2005 
◉ Likes - Dogs, Frappuccinos with a crap ton of caramel and whipped cream, Harry Potter, the smell of that one cologne that's called coach for men, rainy days, when it's warm and hot outside but also windy.
◉ Dislikes - Extreme heat, Milk, twilight, angry drunk people, pens when they are almost out of ink, strawberry-flavored breakfast bars, unfinished fanfics, people who own a crap-ton of toys but don't use them
◉ Teeth, eyes, skin - I have straight teeth and I have 20/20 vision. My skin is clear. 
◉ Astrology -  Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Virgo Rising
◉ Languages I can speak -  English, Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin, German, Gaelic, Celtic, Yiddish.
◉ Dominant Hand - Ambidextrous (I can use both my left and right irl but I'm better with my right)
◉  Phobia and Anger triggers -  Mild Trypanophobia, fake criers, people who call themselves potatoes, being falsely accused. 
◉  Accent - A very light Mexican accent but mostly a plain American accent.
◉ My voice Emma Roberts with a slight husk

****DISCLAIMER  I copied and pasted this section from another chapter and so the length of this is going to be horrendous ****

☇ My Extras⛾
◉ There is no pandemic 
◉ My DR is set in 2020
◉ WE ALL HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA (except a few selected people)
◉The first season is set in 2018
◉ We have modern music

◉ The whole Gwuncan stuff doesn't happen 🤢🤮🤮

◉ Challenges that aren't safe and/or are gross will be replaced Heather has a whole supply of wigs and weaves (courtesy of me) 

My total drama shifting journey/script/experiencesWhere stories live. Discover now