Spotify Playlist

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You read the title correctly. This chapter is going to be about a sportify playlist I have for my total drama island DR. If you guys want you could private message me songs that you think I should add. I find making a playlist helpful because it helps me visualize and so that's good. By the way, sorry for the late update. I wrote a whole chapter but it got deleted and so I couldn't re write it since I wanna give, mY GeNuiNe tHoUgHts. Anyways, this chapter will probably be added too in the future since I wrote this in a rush. (Edit: It's been two fucking hours since I've started this chapter. I went to watch Total Drama action. Before this chapter comes out I'll post a rant so you can have something to read)
Sorry this chapter is wack.

1. I wanna be famous

You asked me what I wanted to be, and now I think the answer's plain to see. I wanna be famous

2. Teenagers

They said, All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me❜ ❞

3. Home

Home, let me go home

4. Mr. Brightside

Destiny is calling me open up my eager eyes

5.  Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone

Okay so this song is specific to me. During the talent show I want to perform this song with Gwen, Trent and possibly Duncan. It's something that I really want to do. Btw I want to per this version of the song. 

6. The Beach 

Swim with me, I think I could see the beach. I know what's underneath

This one just gives me total drama vibes but it doesn't  really have a meaning that corresponds with my dr. 

7. I kissed a girl

It felt so wrong, It felt so right

This song is my jam. In my DR I wanna explore my sexuality and so that's why I have this song on here.

8. 7 Rings

Whoever said money can't solve your problems, Must not have had enough money to solve 'em

In my DR. I'm the rich  mean - girl trope (ASDFJKL I wanted to experience the whole thing. ) and so I just add this song because it helps me imagine me if that makes sense. 

So that's it for the playlist I hoped you guys liked it! Sorry for the late update I usually write the chapters in my PE period but I had to do a workout and so I couldn't  find time. My school has a schedule where the periods flip and so it's kind of hectic. I'm thinking of uploading ANOTHER chapter after school. Btw I haven't tried shifting here and so I'm super excited too! I haven't really shifted before and so hopefully I'll be successful today! I'm trying to stay positive.  I wanna do a question of the day theme for the announcements. What do you guys think? Comment down below and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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