chapter thirteen

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Friday, a day Mingi and his friends usually hung out at bars and got drunk. Plus it was the last friday of the vacation, Mingi wanted to go so bad but the promise he made to Yunho kept bothering him.

Still, one time won't hurt and it's not like he can't control himself. In the past he got drunk because he wanted to, just to forget all the bad things in life and feel free for some hours. So if he wants, he can easily stop at his limit.

He made the decision to go and tell Yunho that he's just going to hang out with his friends before school starts again. The older boy glanced at Mingi, worry shown on his face. "Don't worry, I won't get drunk." He smiled at Yunho and left the house. The sound of the front door closing made Yunho's heart ache. He wanted to take tonight as a chance to get drunk at home with Mingi and tell him how he is feeling, how Mingi makes him feel. Instead he was alone this evening, watching his favorite show with his dad on the couch.

His dad noticed his sadness so prepared his favorite snack, fruit salad. Because he had to be carefull of his weight he found a really good mix of fruits that he liked- apples, strawberries, bananas, kiwis and watermelon. The mix of them all was just perfect, he could eat only this for days and not get bored of it.

After the show was done his dad joined Hye-jeong to bed. Yunho went upstairs too, put on his pyjamas and did some skin care, he put on his favorite mask, played music and rested in bed, his eyes closed, just taking in the peaceful moment.

He woke up by some loud noises in his house. He stood up and got rid of his facemask, figuring he must've fell asleep. 

Opening his door he saw Mingi, drunk, trying to open his door. He didn't even acknowledged Yunho's presence yet. Once making his way trough the door, Yunho asked "Did you drink?" Mingi quickly turned around and smiled "No I didn't."

Yunho tried to hold back his anger but failed, he isn't the type to get angry really fast but lying and breaking a promise is something he really hates. So he failed to contain it, his anger exploding he took Mingi by his collar and pushed him onto the bed.

He looked Mingi in the eyes, eyebrows frowning, and started shouting. "Do you know how much it hurt, thinking you might drink again tonight? I felt bad for not trusting you, but clearly I can't! - Yunho was speaking trough his sobs and tears, not articulating well but making sure Mingi understood every single word he told - You said to me you wouldn't drink anymore, you promised! I can't believe you!"

He ended turning around, hands in his hair, trying to calm down. "I am not drunk Yunho." Mingi answered, placing a hand on his shoulder. Yunho quickly pushed his hand off of him and punched Mingi in the face. "You have no idea how much trust I put into you, but you just made me look like a fool, making promises here and there and lying to my face about it! It's not even the fact that you went out to drink something, it's the fact that you could look me straight in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't. Don't ever promise me something again when you can't even keep it!" Yunho shouted, watching Mingi fall down on his back on the floor. He walked to the door, but Mingi's hand stopped him from opening it. "I'm sorry." He whispered softly. "Don't come near me, let go off me."

Mingi saw the anger, disgust and betrayal in these eyes which once looked at him with so much love and admiration. Hearing the door shut harshly, he felt to the ground, tears streaming down his swollen cheeks. They hurt from the punches he received, but his heart hurt more. The person Mingi loved being with, who made him want to become a better person, is furious with him. He drank, he lied and he denied, he knew he was at fault. But still, it hurt.

He crawled to his bed, lacking energy to stand up. Putting himself under the covers he cried himself asleep, hugging his cushion thinking of it as Yunho.

Yunho felt terrible, hearing Mingi's sobs from the other side of the corridor, but tried his best to block the sound.

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