chapter three

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As soon as I heard it my head went red of anger. Almost as red as a tomato. I stormed inside and took the painting brush out of Mingi's hand. Mingi was surprised at first but soon got along with what was happening. He sighed a little. 'What, am I not painting it correctly?' He asked, not even trying to hide he's annoyed.

'What is your problem Mingi?!' I shouted to Mingi, but not to loud because my dad hearing this is the last thing I want. 'I'm not really a big fan of this colour, helping you or just gays in general.' He said that last part with a rude undertone to it and smirked a little. I grabbed the collar of his grey polo he was wearing and dragged him closer to me. He was shocked because when I was little he used to have control over me but now I'm taller than him and it's much easier for me to defend myself.
'Well let me tell you, from now on you'll have to be really careful or you might get the gay disease.' I spat back and released him from my grip, pushing him a little causing him to stumble backwards. I told him to get out of my room and not much later I heard the front door open and close.
I sat down on my bed, which was covered in plastics so that there won't be any paint on it. Elbows on my knees and head in my hands. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. After a few minutes I started painting my room myself in baby purple. My eyes became watery because of the words Mingi just said to me and the memories who came back again, the struggles, the lies, the pain. All the bad things I went trough. I called my friends asking them to meet me. I haven't really come out to anyone except my three best friends and only friends actually. They are the only people I feel comfortable around.

Few hours later and I'm in the park with them.
'I didn't know he was that kind of a jerk!'
'You did great on doing that sweetie.'
'Imma beat his ass!!'

I told them what had happened without leaving one detail out of it. They listened carefully. I finished and cried a little again, but it's okay my friends know how sensible I am, they comforted me and made me feel better, like they always did. We've known each other since two years now. It might not be long but we bonded really fast.
We work for the same modelling company and had a lot of shoots together.

 We work for the same modelling company and had a lot of shoots together

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And that made us quickly to get to know each other well. we stayed for a little while longer and then decided to go home. We said goodbye and separated pathways.

We had dinner, without Mingi again. I laughed inside of myself because every time something went wrong he just disappears and comes back later in the night, drunk. After dinner I went straight to my room, picking up my laptop from where I had left it earlier on the couch, telling my dad I still had some work to do.
I sat on my bed doing my work but my thoughts went back to Mingi.

I looked at my left and saw on my little nightstand clock it was already past one in the morning. I closed my computer. Put it on the ground next to me and put the covers over me.


Sorry it's a short chapter but more is coming up soon!

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