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Ship; Illusionary x Powerless

Type; Angst 

Warning; ?

Powerless sat in the corner of his room sobbing once again, he missed him, he wanted Illusionary back, he couldn't go on without him. "Wwhy did you leave me.." he cried out wanting only to feel the embrace of his lover once more. Suddenly Powerless found himself drifting away as reality slipped from his cold existence. "Oh, Powerless!" said a familiar voice which faded from Powerless' mind. He knew the voice exceedingly better than he knew his own mind, the mind that always seemed to bring him back to the one he called his husband. "Illusionary.." Powerless said as he stood up noting how the senior changed so drastically. The sweet bitter smell of cinnamon filled the room as the shadow of his deceased love danced around with every movement they made. "You fell asleep, dear. I didn't want to wake you, though I did make some supper for the two of us! Horrid said we'll attack the days tomorrow, so I thought I'd save you the stress of cooking," Illusionary said with a hum. Powerless couldn't help but tear up, he knew what would happen the next day, he lived that very day. Powerless had lived through this very scenario multiple times, he'd pleaded to Illusionary that the war the next day would terminate him, nonetheless this was only a faded memory, one he couldn't change. Every time he'd try to tell his dearest lover that they were bond to die, they'd laugh it off, or simply say that Powerless needed some rest. This time Powerless was weak, he knew he had to let go of Illusionary, not just for his sake. "Llove..Could we snuggle first?" Powerless asked knowing even in his faded mind he was powerless to changing the outcome of what would happen the very next day. "Ah! Of course dearest," Illusionary said with a hum, walking over to his mildly taller lover and connecting their hands together.  Soon Illusionary started guiding the other operative to the couch pulling them onto his lap cradling them. "Where do you think we go when we die, love?" Powerless asked slightly hesitantly. "Oh dear, I truly believe we go to a better place my love," Illusionary said with a small chuckle. Powerless sighed, a small smile becoming visible. "But that's just what you wanted to hear. This is your dream after all, you made this all up. This isn't what happened before I died. I'm just a puppet in your mind, yet your powerless to save me, even in your dreams I'll still die tomorrow. Me dying is certain, but what comes after death is such a mystery." Illusionary sounded different now, well, not different, just glitched. Powerless began to tense up, this had never happened, why was it only occurring now? Illusionary hugged the man tighter, "It's over Powerless, I'm over." Everything around Powerless began to fade away, the corners of his eyes filling with darkness. Powerless quickly jumped up from the corner feeling a sharp pain in the back of his head. Despite the Illusion being over he could swear his loves shadow was still dancing on the walls. Powerless began to sob, "I'm so sorry my love,, I couldn't save you." 

I haven't written a story in awhile, apologies :')

Word Count; 550

Thank you @horrid_and_frenemies for requesting 

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