⚜ Chapter I ⚜

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Today was the day, you had worked so hard for this and you knew you couldn't back out. You twiddled your thumbs as your best friend Yui applied the last few touches of your makeup to have you make an entrance.

"Are you nervous, Y/N?" Yui asked, patting the rosy blush on your cheeks as you relaxed.

"Um, a little." You giggled as she smiled and signaled that she had finished. She brought the mirror to your eye level for you to see her finished work. You blushed as you couldn't even recognize who you were, seeing Yui had dolled you up so much to look pleasing to the audience.

Yui's rose orbs grew with concern. "Is it bad?"

You shook your head no in response to her as you rose up from the stool to be at the curtain waiting for the announcer to call the next group. Yui gave you a thumbs up before you were called off.

The curtains parted and displayed the group's stance before the music started. As the beat began to play you shifted angelically as did the rest of the group. Your curly hair bounced as you spun, your heels clicking to the correct rhythm. The beat was kept perfectly, the movements being both sharp and fluid as they bewildered the audience. Your red dress resembled a rose when you twirled, your gleaming orbs being full of passion as you performed. And before you knew it, the dance ended and the audience applauded and cheered.

You breathed heavily as you felt the relief of not messing up the performance. Once you were excused you head out to change as the performance was over. While changing in the dressing room you glanced over at the vase filled with roses and lilies. You smiled assuming they were from your father. Of course, your parents were never able to attend your performance or other exciting events but your father always tried to make up for it. You sighed as you read the usual letter your father wrote with the same apology and excuse.

"Are those from your dad again, Y/N?" Yui shut the door behind her before she sat in one of the remaining chairs.

"Yeah, he thinks there my favorite but they're my mother's favorite, not mine." You tossed the note in the bin as you sighed.

Your father had done this all the time, and your mother was always the one to force you into activities you had no interest in.

"Well he is busy, my father is always busy too." She smiled, attempting to lighten the mood.

You changed into other clothes you wore before your performance and removed the clips from your hair. Your gaze landed on your reflection as the locks of your hair bounced in the process as you turned to pick up your things.

After changing you headed out with Yui to enjoy you're left overtime at the school's festival. Yui, of course, had more spirit at heart and enjoyed games and food that was provided at the festival. You roamed around as your friend had walked further ahead of you at the festival.

"Y/N, I'm gonna get my fortune told I'll catch up with you in a bit." She waved to you as you shook your head. You wandered around in search of something to do as you waited for Yui to get back, your eye's spotted a game that happened to pique your interest.

You promenaded towards the booth as the man explained the rules of the game as you listened.

"Here you go." The guy laughed as he handed you a set of darts for you to aim at your target. The first throw, of course, did not go as you planned. You focused more on your next throw but you missed again. You had one more try, though before you were about to aim you were stopped.

"That's not how you throw a dart now, is it? I'll teach you just this once, now watch closely." The voice of a male made your head turn in his direction. His attire was loose but fitting, his mid-length red hair framing his sharp, pale features. A black fedora adorning his head, further highlighting his charm. You observed from the side as his lips curved into an amused smirk. His emerald orbs gleamed in the moon's light, as you watched him aim his arm at an angle.

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