⚜ Chapter II ⚜

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The sound of silverware clinking against porcelain plates and silence filled the air. You looked out from the pavement's reflection of pinks and oranges blurred as one, the crescent moon serving as an accent. Your eyes scanned the plentiful food before you on the dining table. The plate in front of you completely vacant from the thoughts that kept you awake a few nights back.

"Y/N, you need to eat something." The voice of your mother mused.


"Honey, something's on your mind. Care to share?" Your father looked up at you as he beamed a proud smile.

"Oh, it's nothing really. I'm just a little tired.." You reassured him of his worry, as you began to eat.

"Well, I'd image our star performer is tired. She did great I'm sure." Your mother beamed.

"That's right, she's our star." Having your lips turn into a smile as your father's pride glowed.

"Yeah, the performance was a little tiring as expected." You added.

The dining room's atmosphere stirred in silence as you picked at the peas and other leafy greens you found unappetizing. You hadn't touched much of the meal that was in front of you, even so, you weren't particularly avoiding eating tonight. If anything you were lost in thought and bored out of your mind by your mother's family dinners that she had always planned. It wasn't something frequent that she would do as it was mostly when she or your father planned to make announcements or had a guest over.

Although today it seemed a little bit different, or so you thought. Your parent's mouths chattered about things whilst you focused more on filling yourself up for the night. The peculiar behavior of your parents seemed unfamiliar and curiosity got the best of you.

"Mom, is there a reason why we're eating together today?" The conversation of your parents was paused by your question.

"Oh, that's right. Honey, we keep forgetting to tell her."

"Tell me what?" Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion while waiting for an explanation. Your father cleared his throat before speaking, "Well, there's another gathering coming up since I've been promoted to work with a higher company. It's owned by Mr. Tougo Sakamaki."

"Does this mean we'll be moving soon again?" You frowned at the thought of transferring schools again.

"No, it just means that we'll be meeting his family at the gathering. So, if one of his sons happen to peak your interest-" Your mother paused as you interrupted her.

"Seriously, you want me to attend just so I can pick my future husband? What about if I don't want him to be involved in politics? What about if I just want someone that's normal?" You spat in annoyance.

"Y/N, you are responsible for maintaining our family image."

"I don't wanna hear it!"

You pushed yourself out of the dining room chair not wishing to discuss any further with your parents. Dashing up the stairs in frustration, your fingers turned the lock of the doorknob as you groaned in frustration. If there was one thing you never understood about your parents it was how much they'd pressure you. You longed for the day they'd have no set expectations for you.

In all honesty, you had no interest in romance in particular, nor were you opposed to it completely, but choosing someone your parents wanted? There was no way you would. You rested your head on the fluffed cushions on your bed as you unlocked the password to your phone. Your fingers dialed a number you had grown to be familiar with.

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