⚜ Chapter VI ⚜ (Pt.2)

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The light tunes and symphony of instruments colliding making the most elegant and graceful setting. The evening sunlight peeked in by the open, draped, chiffon curtains of each grand window. Dimming the mirrored room less than it had been before, this guided you to swiftly glide along to the melody. The music changing its course causing you to move along faster. Your eyes focused on the form of your figure as you'd bend, twirl, and jump when the parts came. Drifting off into practicing the steps for the upcoming dance. You soon shut off the music from your stereo as you had practiced for quite some time.

A sigh escaped your lips as you stretched to relax. You outstretched a hand to grab a water bottle, your fingers twisting the cap as you raised the bottle up to your lips for you to drink. Taking a few gulps and feeling hydrated, you walked out of the room to plan out what you were going to wear for dinner since that wasn't very far ahead. You waltz into your bedroom heading for your closet, wondering what dress wouldn't temp the vampire, unlike last time. Sliding the doors open, your hands pushed aside the dresses you weren't going to wear.

"Hmmm, this should work." You said to yourself pulling out an off the shoulder dress.

You spaced out as you held out the dress to yourself to only think of the last time you wore a dress like this.

'Off-the-shoulder dresses have always been my favorite.'

"Nevermind!" You shivered in disgust, shoving the dress back directly into the closet.

A sigh escaped your lips as you rummaged through your closet hoping to find a dress that would be suitable.

Ding Dong!

Your head turned at the noise, assuming you'd most likely be the one to get the door considering everyone else was busy setting up and arranging the dining room.

"Can someone get that?" Your mother hollered from downstairs. With this you went out of your room, your feet shuffling downstairs in your dance clothes.

"I'll get it!" You shouted approaching the doorway.

Your fingers latched onto the knob, turning it open to welcome the stranger from behind the door.

"Wel--Ohh, you came." Your voice became rather dry as you had met eyes with the devil.

A chuckle admitted from his lips, "You aren't even going to welcome me inside when I'm your guest? Seems a little impolite, but I see that's just your charm."

Without your permission, he stepped into your home with a small gift box in his hands.

Crossing your arms you remarked, "You're not a guest, you're a nuisance."

Turning to leave him you felt a hand tug at the back of your.

"You say that, yet you are wearing such an inviting little skirt. Are you trying to tempt me?"

This caused you to roll your eyes in disgust as you were about to tell him off. "I-"

"Y/n, I told you not to dress like that in front of our guests. Who's at the door?--Oh Laito, you made it. How wonderful." Your mother approached you both with a slightly nervous look after noticing your appearance.

"Hello, Mrs. L/n. I hope I'm not early." A smile made its way to his face, greeting your mother with a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Oh not at all, but Y/n is a little late. What's that in your hands?" Your mother implied averting her eyes as a sign for you to go upstairs.

"Oh it's a gift for Y/n, I hope you don't mind." He mentioned, holding up the small, fitted gift box.

It had been perfectly wrapped in a blue foil, no creases visible on the surfaces, a satin bow adorning the upper left corner of the shiny box.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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