⚜ Chapter V ⚜

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Not so fast, little bitch. Before I hold up my end of the bargain, you need to do your part first."

"And that is?"

"Oh, I think you know the answer to that."

"No . . . no! No!"

The sound of distant voices made your head spin as everything in your vision was still dark. Stirring in your sleep you tossed and turned, your sheets shifting and twisting as your eyes remain closed. You mumbled in your sleep, your lids open slightly while attempting to regain consciousness. The sun's light blurred your vision as your e/c orbs focused on the two very familiar figures hovering over you.

"You're awake! We were so worried." Your mother squeezed your hand tightly as she helped you prop your body up against your bedpost.

Your slender fingers rubbed your eyes as you felt drowsy, "Mom? Dad? What happened?"

"You passed out." Your father stated, sitting at the foot of your bed.

Passing out? This didn't match with your memories, so how was it possible? You felt your head grow fuzzy as you tried to piece together the events of last night in your head but just couldn't seem to.

"What? How is that possible?" You shook your head, disagreeing with your father's account of the supposed story.

"No, I was with Laito and we were exchanging conversation. And then he-he . . ." You trailed off, your eyes widening at your mind processing your dream. You looked at both of your parents for an explanation, but everything didn't seem to match. . . your dream couldn't have possibly been foreshadowing the truth.

"Y/N, honey. Take it easy, just breathe." Your mother said, hoping to calm your nerves and to keep you from questioning further.

"No, why would I just pass out? Can't you at least tell me that?" Your mind was racing and you couldn't help but ask.

"You were tired. Everything is going to be fine. Now, get some rest. You can't miss another night of school." Your mother reassured you as you still remained confused not swallowing their assumptions.

"But I swear-"

Your father cut you off kissing your forehead before stating, "Sweetheart, that's enough. Get some rest, dear. You need to be ready for school when the time comes. Are we clear?" He looked at you only before moving from the spot he was once sitting on your bed.

Once again, your parents made you feel like you were white noise. You had no say so and your opinions were invalid. The ring that was given to you as an apology still remained on your finger. . . and at this point, it had no value to you. This wasn't because you were spoiled, however. It was because the gift felt like a forced apology to you now. The actions of your family last night made you feel as if you had met in the middle with them. However, like usual, they didn't wish to hear you out and resumed their casual controlling behavior. It pained you to say the very least; but nonetheless, you knew it was best to drop the subject with your father.

You watched as your father's figure stood in the doorway of your room, "Yes, father." A forced smile made its way onto your face. His hand pressed against the door frame whilst he waited for your mother.

"Call me if you need anything, dear." She whispers giving your hand another tight squeeze, giving your temple a kiss before following suit with your father.

You watched as the door fully closed, leaving you in your vacant room with racing thoughts. With your father contradicting you, it almost felt as if everything was only a fading dream. Despite what your parents said, you had doubts--something didn't connect. Glancing at the clock, you noticed you had already missed more than half of the afternoon as it was five o'clock. Sighing, you shuffled out of bed seeing that you were no longer tired. You stretched the stiff limbs of your body after a long nap, forcing yourself to wake up. As you trapezed into the bathroom you flipped the lights on whilst massaging a sore spot on your neck.

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