⚜ Chapter IV ⚜

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Peace, you needed it more than anything. As a young woman coming from an aristocratic family it was difficult to impress one of higher status. The stress was unimaginable for anyone, but for you, it was a common occurrence. Your mother believed in first impressions whereas your father searched for morals in a person. With both of them being polar opposites about everything--it never helped in any way when making a decision. A sigh escaped your ajar lips, hoping this particular evening wouldn't go to hell.

Brushing off your thoughts, your hands slid the back zipper of your satin gown up, it being the color of --simple yet alluring from all angles. It was perfectly fitted to your size and it felt like a fairytale wearing such a dress. You sigh at the reflection in your vanity before stepping into a pair of diamond-like heels. Twirling in a circle, you admire your outfit from the reflection in the mirror.

"Oh my, you look wonderful!" Your mother shouts from excitement as you smile at her.

"F/N, come look at your daughter, she's going to be the center of attention!" She gushes like a teenager would over the latest gossip. You roll your eyes in a playful manner, your mother never changed.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming dear." You could hear the relaxed tone of your father's, the same one that used to wish you goodnight.

Before entering, your mother clips a matching necklace around your neck and takes a step back. She fiddles with her thumbs and looks proud at her work and coordination of accessories that she took the time to find for your gown. You sigh feeling the luxurious diamond around your neck.

"You look gorgeous, honey. I know that if I was a young man again, I'd sweep you off your feet any day. The same way I did with your mom." Your mother playfully nudges your father which causes you to laugh.

Sometimes your parents were a little unpredictable--but for an aristocratic family, this was never common for them to act this way. The reason for their behavior was their way of apologizing to you the night you argued with them about this gathering. You knew for sure that that was the reason seeing that they did this whenever they made you upset.

"Alright, are we all set?" Your father asks as you both nod in agreement.

Heading down the stairs of your house, you wonder what to expect from the Sakamaki family. You had heard that Mr. Sakamaki was a politician of six sons, but not much else was heard of him. Before the day of the gathering, you had tried to research any useful information about the family, but there was nothing to be found about them. It was almost as if they had never been involved in politics; yet, the family name had been involved for generations. Pondering in your whirl of thoughts, you were brought inside your family's limo; the shofar was given the address from your father's invitation and you were soon off to the gathering, feeling more anxious than ever.

~Time Skip~

Your feet step onto the ground once again after a very long journey. Curious of your surroundings, your eyes explore the mansion's exterior from afar. The crowd of people entering before you awed at the view of alluring lights and the grand mansion. Once reaching the front steps of the entrance, your family was escorted inside; there being elegant wallpapers and magnificent chandeliers as embellishments in the mansion's interior. The tiles people danced and walked on shined like glass--yes, you lived in luxury but not to this degree. You were an aristocrat, but not something of royal blood or anything.

"Mr. L/N, I see you've made it." Your head turned to meet eyes with a middle-aged man in a suit. He shook hands with your father and kissed your mother's cheek as you stood by.

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