⚜ Chapter III ⚜

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        The tips of your fingers meeting the cool brass of the locker's handle. Inhaling sharply you shut its door and walked to your first period-Cooking class. A smile found its way to your lips knowing you'd be able to hang out with your best friend, Yui. It had only been three weeks since you had been going to Ryoutei High School Academy and Yui had made you get the hang of things by now.

You grew more comfortable and lively in the longest time ever since you had moved from your previous school due to your father's job as a businessman involved in politics. Even though your friendship with Yui was fairly new, she was all you had. Both of you were close to each other almost as if you were lifelong best friends.

Entering through the classroom door you walked to your usually shared desk with Yui by the sink and cabinets. Your eyes scanned the room only to see more ingredients laid out on the counter than usual. Becoming curious you read the instructions from the blackboard. There were a variety of choices of food that the students could make according to the lesson plans. Normally cooking class was done with an instructor, but at a night school, not having a teacher in some classes was normal. The main purpose for it is to test students on how'd they'd perform without assistance and how they'd grow to be more independent.

"Hey Y/N." Pulling your chair out you turned to the sound of a familiar voice.

"Hi, Yui." Smiling softly she prepared herself before class as did you.

After most of the class had settled in and gotten prepared you and Yui had decided and what you both wanted to make since today was the student's choice. Both planned on making scrumptious chocolate cupcakes. Making your way to the table with all the laid out ingredients you grabbed all that you needed and headed back to get started.

As you both started preparing Yui broke the silence, "So what did your mom say about the dress we picked out?" Yui beamed with excitement as she measured the desired amount of flour.

"She really liked that it was blue and turns out she wanted me to wear a specific headpiece with it and it actually matches." You smiled faintly while pouring the measured ingredients she handed to you in the bowl.

"That's great! So then everything worked out ok? You aren't fighting with them anymore?" She whispered concerned, your lips dropped their smile in an instant.

Turning to look at her your shoulders shrugged in disappointment. Arguing with your parents was already bad as was compromising with them. They never asked for your opinion on anything-they had always been senseless for as long as you can remember. Your mother and father never seemed to understand your emotions about life and why you didn't always agree with them. Regardless of how they made you feel sometimes, there was still a space left in your heart for them.

"I wish I did, but they never change their mind about anything. It's kinda pointless to talk to them about what I think, Yui."

"I'm sorry I asked. But, if you want company at the party I can always come?" Yui offered, her soft locks bounced as she moved to get a few cooking utensils.

"Thanks, but I think I'll be fine."

Before she could respond a voice had interrupted you both. "Why don't you girls make yours truly some takoyaki!" The demanding tone, startled you a bit.

A grin appearing on the red-headed male's lips.Tousled bangs framing his sharp features, the buttons of his shirt barely covering his lightly toned torso along with a loose necktie. His evergreen orbs grew dark in disappointment by Yui's response.

"Go away Ayato, ask one of your fangirls to make them for you." Yui shooed him away while rolling her eyes in annoyance. She paid no mind to him and continued to bake.

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