⚜ Chapter VI ⚜ (Pt.1)

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His hand wrapped loosely around your arm while he walked you to the limo. Approaching closer towards the open doors of the vehicle you spun around to try and make a run for it. Much to your dismay, a vampire always had the upper hand and not you.

A pair of arms engulfed your waistline tightly, preventing you from escaping.

"Ugh! Let go of me!"

You glared up to notice Laito had begun to get frustrated by your disobedience. The once playful emerald orbs darkened, his lips in the shape of a line as he seemed to change his mind. His left arm loosened from your waist only to push you inside the black limo.

"I'm no longer in the mood to chase you." His eyes narrowing down at your figure which remained sitting on the floor. "So I suggest you start listening, little bitch." Laito smiled offering a hand to help you up, your body still sprawled on the floor of the car ever since he had pushed you in.

This guy is crazy--He pushes you into a car and now he wants to help you up? What a mad man! You rolled your eyes swatting his hand away before pushing yourself off the ground. Dusting yourself off, you took the empty seat that was between him and his youngest brother--Subaru. It was the only seat left, you didn't bother arguing to switch seats with any of them as they most likely wouldn't.

You stayed put as the car began to pull out of the school's entranceway. The pupils of your eyes scanned your surroundings inside the car. With curiosity, you observed each and every one of his brothers. They all seemed to be wrapped up in their own world--not once did they even avert their eyes to greet nor speak to you. Seeing this, you discarded the idea of formality and sat in silence. A sigh escaped your soft lips, causing you to sulk in your seat.

"Comfortable are we now?" The fedora-wearing male mused, noticing your stubborn behavior as he sat beside you.

Eye-rolling, you looked out the window not wanting to hear his idiocy and what he had to say about you or anything. A frown made its way to your face seeing how dark it was, making it difficult for you to see through the fogged-up glass. It would have given you something rather than not looking at anything. Sighing, you hoped the ride would be over soon considering how worn out you felt.

"Hey doll face, what's up with the frown? A minute ago you were barking like a dog."

Oh, and boy did Ayato have quite the smart mouth. You felt your lips quiver as if you wanted to say something, however, you remained silent. Speaking up was pointless, after all, everyone in there except you wasn't human. They could care less if you were uncomfortable being treated as prey. So, you did what you did best and ignored Ayato.

A pair of arms snaked around your waist making you jolt in surprise feeling yourself being pulled into someone's lap. It happened all so quickly, you had no time to break away or stay in your seat. You turned to face the owner of these cold, pale hands which had placed you on their lap--it was Laito, of course, you thought.

"What are you doing?" Your voice sounding irritated by the fact that you did not ask for this. He bit his lip while giving an all-too-familiar smirk as you shot him a glare. The edge of his lips brushed against the shell of your ear.

"You can relax, little bitch. After all, it's going to be a long ride." He whispered close enough only for you to hear, giving you a wink while placing his hand in your lap.

Shaking your head at the feeling of his fingers tracing circles on your thighs through the thin fabric of your school skirt, you screamed, "Stop it!"

A flare of surprise flashed in your eyes, feeling uncomfortable by this as he continued. "Oh, little bitch, there's no need to freak out. Now stand still for me please." A chuckle emitted from his lips as he continued to draw circles in your thighs leading up to meet near your crotch area whilst you squirmed to get away.

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