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Hyunsuk's mind kept drifting back to that night, the warmth of Jihoon when he kept holding his hand and how he felt like he as going out with an old friend.

However since then Jihoon hasn't come in to the cafe which disappointed the male, almost made him feel used. The cafe owner had to close down the cafe due too a leak in the pipes which flooded the small building.

Hyunsuk was bored having nothing to do until his employees, I mean his friends came by his apartment.

"Yoshi, Junkyu, Jaehyuk, what are you guys doing here," Hyunsuk letting the unique dressed boys in the house.

"It was already hard to get Junkyu out of the house, dont make it hard for us. Well, since you've been sad and unmotivated without the cafe Jaehyuk and I thought it would be a good idea if we all go to a party and loosen up a bit," Yoshi said, Hyunsuk looked at them all each with big smiles on their faces and nodded.

"How did you bait Junkyu out of his house," Hyunsuk said, curiously.

"Mashiho will be there," Junkyu said softly shrugging.

"What's my bait then," Hyunsuk said.

Yoshi scratched the back of his neck, "we didn't think you would need one."

"Yeah cause I would just agree to a college party," Hyunsuk huffed.

"It's Jihoon's party," Jaehyuk said.

Hyunsuk turned his back and debated it in his mind, crossing his arms, "why would he be throwing a party?"

"We just finished finals," Yoshi said.

Hyunsuk almost felt bad for his actions of getting to work early and staying alone bit later to see the male, for feeling like a fool but the male didn't feel used anymore after finding out that the students had exams.

"Did you guys get good scores," Hyunsuk asked.

He could feel them looking at each other so he turned around and they all pulled out their phones showing that they passed. Hyunsuk was delighted as an older brother and boss,  hugging the males.

"So will you come with us," Jaehyuk asked.

"Yeah, think of it as a gift," Hyunsuk said with a light laugh.

"Hyung can I pick out your clothes," Yoshi asked.

Hyunsuk gasped, "what's wrong with the way I dress?"

Yoshi shook his head, "nothing but, it's your first party you should make people think you are cool."

Hyunsuk looked confused at Jaehyuk who put a hand on his shoulder, "no offense you dress like a kindergarten teacher."

Hyunsuk pouted, "you guys are mean."

"We know you have cool clothes Hyung, but you dress to fit the cafe. We aren't going to the cafe," Junkyu said, Hyunsuk nodded understanding what they meant, each of them were dressed their very best and not like they would at the cafe.

I miss the cafe, Hyunsuk thought leading the boys to his closet.

Yoshi looked through his clothes while the other two looked at accessories and shoes, which Hyunsuk had a lot of.

"Hyung you must have been so popular in College," Yoshi said, picking a graphic tee and Hyunsuks tweed jacket.

"I havent worn that Jacket since College," Hyunsuk said, remembering that the jacket he wore the most often.

Yoshi pulled out some designed black jeans,  "did you design these?"

Hyunsuk nodded, "most of my clothes are, I was a fashion student."

The three boys made noises thinking he was cooler then they thought he was. Hyunsuk changed into the outfit pushing his hair back with a pair of sunglasses. Jaehyuk gave him necklaces, earrings, and some rings.

Hyunsuk looked at himself in the mirror it reminded him of his school days, "okay we ready."

Grabbing his phone and putting on the Nike's Junkyu picked out for him. They took a bus even though where they needed to go wasnt that far.

Upon arriving at this underground pub like building, Hyunsuk was impressed about the amount of people. Drinks, darts, billiard, some video games and a dance floor the set up itself was accompanied by loud music.

"Do you want to get drinks," Yoshi asked.

The guys nodded, sitting at the bar at the other end was Jihoon. Jihoon was with who Hyunsuk believed was Mashiho, who was clinging to the male.

Hyunsuk kind of felt upset however, Jihoon must have a good reason. Hyunsuk looked at how Junkyu sadly looked over at Mashiho.

Hyunsuk rubbed the boys back, "they are probably just really close."

Junkyu nodded, "I look great tonight and I won't let that go to waste."

Jaehyuk smiled, "that's the spirit now drink up."

Hyunsuk took his shot feeling the alcohol burn the back of his throat. Maybe he had another two before playing pool with the three males.

His eyes kept finding there way to Jihoon every once and a while, chatting with his friends, holding the small males waist and kissing other. That when Hyunsuk knew they were playing truth or dare.

"I missed that shot," Jaehyuk whined.

"Yah Jaehyuk, we need to win," Junkyu yelled.

Yoshi laugh since they were in the lead only having two balls left. His eyes brought him to Jihoon except he wasn't where he was.

"Looking for me," Hyunsuk turned around and Jihoon was there beside him.

Hyunsuk nearly stumbled in surprise until Jihoon held his waist and pulled the male against him.

Hyunsuk pushed the male away, "no I was not, I was looking at the cute guy you were with."


Hyunsuk shook his head, "no, that's Junkyu's man."

"Junkyu likes Mashiho? That's great, Mashiho likes him too!"

"So why was he throwing himself at you?"

Jihoon smiled, "why? Jealous?"

Hyunsuk huffed, "Definitely not."

Jihoon laughed, "seriously, what guy? Seunghun? Byunggon?"

Hyunsuk smiled a bit, "why? Jealous?"

Jihoon huffed crossing his arm, "yes I am actually."

Hyunsuk's smile fell, did he really just say that?

"Hyunsuk Hyung," Yoshi called.

Hyunsuk turned around to hit the ball making it in, "we win!"

Junkyu and Jaehyuk sulked, bringing back a round of shots. Hyunsuk felt a bit of a buzz, turning back around to Jihoon.

"I don't think you have the need to be jealous, you have a bunch of flies in your trap," Hyunsuk said, he turned to follow his friends to the dance floor.

Jihoon rolled his eyes, he went with them to dance, he leaned by Hyunsuk's ear, "except for you."

Hyunsuk felt chills, he turned around to face Jihoon. Jihoon was relatively close to his face, Hyunsuk just stared at him for a bit. This lighting highlights his features in different color.

Jihoon opened his mouth to say something but Hyunsuk shut him up. Jihoon was taken back feeling the males lips on his, it was an electrifying feeling. But the taste if alcohol made Jihoon realize, Hyunsuk won't be remembering this.

Jihoon pushed him away, "don't do anything you'll regret later."

Jihoon was very much against the thought of taking advantage but he knew others would try. So from a far he tried to protect Hyunsuk from prowling men and women.

They is no way the four drunk males were able to make it home alone so, Jihoon drove them.

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