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Yall I have no idea what going on but it looks like wattpad fucked up my stories, chapter one two three and six were all attached to a different story. So I'm reloading them, unedited.


Hyunsuk came to work, maybe he was a bit late.

"Hyung what took you so long," Junkyu said, his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry I slept in a bit," Hyunsuk said.

"Hey as long as you dont do that on our fundraiser day," Yoshi said.

"No way I have to get up extra early," Hyunsuk said.

"Oh Junkyu those recipies you sent me are our best bet," Yoshi said with a smile.

"People can eat them too so they are completely safe," Junkyu said.

"How many goodie bags should I order then," Hyunsuk said.

"I say fifty of each, it's the same recipe they will shaped differently. So a hundred bag," Yoshi said.

Jaehyuk rushed inside, "I'm here sorry I'm late!"

"We just got inside no worries," Hyunsuk said.

Jaehyuk set down his stuff at the lockers then came back and started switching on machines, "we expecting a lot for the fundraiser?"

Junkyu nodded booting up the register, "yeah, the feedback on Instagram was insane."

Yoshi was lucky he premade doughs last night so he could just throw them in the oven and be able to open on time. Hyunsuk was wiping down tables, unlocking the doors since Jaehyuk stocked some of the things on the shelves.


"M-mashiho," Junkyu said.

Hyunsuk watched from afar as Junkyu was nervous, it was painful to watch.

"Can I get a strawberry limeade and a cheesecake," Mashiho said.

Junkyu couldn't stop looking at the male, "I, uh, sure. Anything else?"

Mashiho shook his head paying for his food, "Junkyu we should hang out sometime."

Junkyu looked at him with wide eyes, "just-just us two?"

Mashiho nodded, "a movie sound good?"

Junkyu felt overwhelmed, "I thought you were with someone."

Mashiho shrugged, "if that's what you want to call it, doesn't mean I can't hang out with my friends."

Junkyu was happy yet not, he thought Mashiho was asking him out but it was as friends. Which Junkyu didn't mind cause he loved every moment he could spend with the male.

"Yeah I'm down, here is your straw and cake, I mean limeade and cheesecake," Junkyu hanging him the drink and box.

Mashiho shot the male and cute wink before walking out, Junkyu clutched his heart after Mashi left the store.

"Kyu you are so whipped," Hyunsuk laughed coming up to the counter.

Junkyu blushed, "be quiet."

"Hey Kyu!"

That voice made Hyunsuk and Junkyu turn, it was Jihoon. Junkyu acted as if he wasnt just fawning after a boy his attention on the male.

"Iced Americano and a Fruit tart," Junkyu said.

"Make it two fruit tarts and I'll be sitting over there, I have things to work on," Jihoon said.

That's when Hyunsuk noticed the male had a laptop bag and a white lab coat on. When he looked at Jihoons face the male already had a satisfied grin on his face.

"Like what you see?"

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, "what are you talking about?"

Jihoon smiled and went to go sit down in the corner, that's when Hyunsuk saw he was wearing a nicely fitted white button up and blue jeans.

"Hyung can you bring this to him," Junkyu said with a smile handing the male a tray.

Hyunsuk shrugged and put the best customer service smile he could muster.

"Here is your order, one Iced Americano and two fruit tarts," Hyunsuk said placing the tray on the table.

Jihoon looked up at him with a smile, "no one told me an handsome guy came with my meal."

Hyunsuk looked around confused till he realized Jihoon was talking about him, "that was really cheesy."

Jihoon shrugged, "worth a shot."

"You would have to do better than that, have a nice day."

"Wait, I actually have questions it would help my paper."

Hyunsuk turned back around and ended up taking a seat in front of Jihoon, "what kind of paper?"

"Well I'm a med student, but I have to write a paper about how the event you set up are beneficial to medicine?"

"That doesn't sound like a proper prompt question but, I guess I can help," Hyunsuk said.

"So how does the medicine differentiate between when they are in a pound and finally have a home," Jihoon asked.

Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon, "well when they are in a pound like the one we are partnered with it's a non profit organization and not a kill shelter, however because of that they can only hold so many dogs and cant get the best of medicine for the animals however they do try their best. When an Animal has a home you can guarantee that their owner will do everything just to keep them healthy and safe."

"So these event help the animal," Jihoon muttered typing everything the male said down.

"Hey if you want come to the fundraiser, we would appreciate the helping hand," Hyunsuk didn't even realize what he had done but he was already in the back washing his hands before he slapped himself.

Yoshi hearing the noise in the kitchen looked up to see Hyunsuk nearly pulling his hair out, "Hyung what happened?"

Junkyu rushed in, "you invited him to the fundraiser?!"

Hyunsuk sighed, "it was to help him on his paper."

Junkyu and Yoshi looked at each other before speaking in unison, "okay sure."

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