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Thank you guys for reading, I will have other ships I'm writing but if you want to put a ship for me to write you can!

Unedited; dodam will be the next treasure ship to write, mashikyu is already out so you can check that one out.


Today Hyunsuk was in a hurry it was the day before the grand opening and he hasn't been checking on the cafe. However, Junkyu texted him saying there was a break-in and the whole front window was shattered.

Hyunsuk huffed, he ran all the way to the cafe and saw there was paper up covering the window, everything around was clean. Hyunsuk tilted his head and walked into the cafe confused, "Hello anyone there? Junkyu? Yoshi?"

The lights were off and he wasn't really able to see where he was going. Slowly little lights turned on by his feet, he saw buds of some type of flower scattered.

He followed the lights which led to the patio, the shades were down so it was kind of difficult to see through them. He walked outside and saw someone turned away from him.

"Hey, you are going to pay- Jihoon? What are you doing here?"

Jihoon had turned around in the middle of Hyunsuk's sentence with a smile and bouquet in his hands.


Hyunsuk was still confused but met the male halfway, Jihoon gave him the flowers, "what's this for?"

Jihoon rocked on his feet, "I was thinking, I really love having you as a part of my life. You've done so much for me and I also learned a lot from you."

Hyunsuk smiled a bit, a faint blush on his cheeks, "are you asking me out?"

"If wanting you to be my boyfriend is asking you out then yes."

Hyunsuk hugged the boy, "of course, I want to be your boyfriend!"


Hyunsuk turned around and saw his friends, he was trying not to get emotional, "guys~"

"See? Love life," Yoshi said, with a laugh.

Hyunsuk looked and saw Jaehyuk with Asahi, Junkyu with Mashiho, then Doyoung with, "Doyoung who is this?"

Doyoung smiled pulling the male closer to him, "this is my boyfriend Yedam."

Hyunsuk smiled, "nice to meet you."

Yedam smiled which was the cutest thing ever, Jihoon cleared his throat and shoved Hyunsuk, "introduce me."

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, "this is my new annoying boyfriend Jihoon."

"He meant handsome, nice to meet you!"

The guys laughed, Hyunsuk looked at them and saw them as family. Doyoung glanced at Asahi, "Hyung and I will be back tomorrow for your grand opening."

Yoshi clapped, "speaking of the grand opening, Hyunsuk Hyung I have a surprise for you."

Hyunsuk tilts his head but followed Yoshi inside, the rest following behind them. Yoshi turned on the light and smiled, Hyunsuk looked around with a wide mouth. 

"Wow, you did all this?"

Hyunsuk looked at a beautiful mural on the cafe wall that Yoshi painted and designed himself, by the entrance there was a coffee table Hyunsuk remembered ordering but was decorated with flowers and pictures of all the guys, the paper was taken down from the windows and were decorated with a new logo, the new chairs and lights were up. Everything was ready, Hyunsuk felt the tears running down his face.

"Guys he's crying," Jaehyuk hollared.

Yoshi giggled, "Hyung you don't need to cry."

Hyunsuk brought everyone in for a big hug, "I don't want to cry, they keep falling!"


"Sorry, I'm late!"

Hyunsuk peered up seeing his boyfriend run in quickly putting his things away, putting on his apron, and washing his hands before he went over and kissed Hyunsuk on the cheek.

"Hey don't do that we are working," Hyunsuk whispered.

Jihoon rolled his eyes, "You let Junkyu and Mashi flirt all the time."

"Yah! We do not flirt all the time," Junkyu shouted.

Mashi told Junkyu to shut up, something about needing to be professional in a work environment. Hyunsuk glanced at Jihoon with a knowing look with made the male retreat into the kitchen.

"Oh hey," Yoshi greeted with a big smile.

Jihoon smiled and went over to help the male out. Jaehyuk walked in putting his stuff away, "hey guys."

He got a slight bow from the other two busy males. Jaehyuk put his apron one and went to the barista station with Mashi, Junkyu back at the register.

"Hi welcome," Junkyu said with a smile.

Jaehyuk glanced up and saw Asahi with Doyoung and Yedam. Asahi looked and Jaehyuk giving a small smile, even though Jaehyuk wanted to be open but he respects Asahi dislike for PDA. Doyoung and Yedam were holding hands or whatever.

Doyoung looked around, "where is Hyunsuk Hyung?"

Hyunsuk popped up from behind the display where he was refilling the pastries, "you called?"

Doyoung cleared his throat, "if you ever need live music, Yedam has a beautiful voice, he can sing in english too, aswell knows how to play piano and guitar."

Hyunsuk smiled at Yedam, "I'll think about it."

Letting the males take their seat, Hyunsuk goes back into the kitchen putting back the pastries he didn't use. He saw Jihoon was alone and smiled.

"Where is Yoshi?"


Hyunsuk smiled hugging the male from behind, he looked over his hand appreciating his looks. He brought his hand up which held Jihoon's jaw and turned him to look at Hyunsuk.

Jihoon smiled, "hey we are working."

"It's my cafe."

Hyunsuk pressed his lips to Jihoon making the boy relax with a happy sigh. Hyunsuk giggling feeling the small smile against his lips.


Hyunsuk pulled away seeing Yoshi by the door, "what?"

Yoshi sulked, "now I'm the one with no love life."

Hyunsuk just laughed along with Jihoon before pressing a quick peck to his lips.

The End

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