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I'm sorry this would have been up sooner but I accidentally logged out while writing and it didn't save so the whole chapter go deleted )::


When Hyunsuk got up this morning he was surprised to be in his own room in his pajamas. He sat up alarmed that he wasn't in last nights clothes and in his home. How did he get back?

He moved his body but wasn't in pain in anyway, he let out a sigh of relief. Hyunsuk got up and walked out of his room smelling breakfast, breakfast?

Scared that someone was in his house uninvited made him grab his baseball bat, which he had in his room for emergencies. He walked slowly to the kitchen seeing Jihoon, "w-what are you doing in my house?"

Jihoon was shirtless and when he turned around Hyunsuk avoid eye contact not wanting to look at the males body.

Jihoon laughed a little, "you actually told me to stay last night, but you were drunk so you probably won't remember that."

Hyunsuk bit his lip, "sorry, I dont remember most of last night and I'm hoping I didnt do anything stupid."

Jihoon shrugged, "I mean you kissed me but I wouldnt categorize that as stupid."

"I did what," Hyunsuk yelled he had rested the bat on the wall and covered his face. "Oh my god."

Jihoon spotted the bat, "were you going to hit me?"

"I thought you broke in?!"

"Yes a robber is just going to come in a cook you breakfast, just sit down Hyunsuk. It's not like I took advantage of you, it was just a small peck."

Hyunsuk sighed and sat down, Jihoon placed a plate of an american style breakfast, "did you kiss back?"



"It was too fast, I didn't have the chance too," Jihoon said with a sad smile.

Hyunsuk blushed a bit, "uh, thanks for breakfast."

Jihoon smiled, "I'll cook for you anytime. I have class today do you mind if I use your shower?"

"You gonna borrow my clothes too?"

"If you let me."

Hyunsuk smiled, "okay."

After they ate Hyunsuk handed the male a towel and went to pick out some clothes. A pair for him and a pair for Jihoon.

Hyunsuk sat in his bed waiting for the boy to come out, he did the towel tied around his waist. Hyunsuk coughed from shock at the sight of the male when he glanced over his phone.

"Are you okay?"

Hyunsuk nodded, "yeah, just surprised."

"You don't expect me to look this good? I work out you know," Jihoon said flexing his arms.

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes and got up, he gave the clothes to Jihoon, "I'm gonna shower now, you are free to leave when you are ready."

Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon and gave a small smile before taking the towel from around the boys waist running to the bathroom.

"Ya Choi Hyunsuk! My towel!"

"I have to put it in the hamper, are you not confident?"

"Pfft.. I think your neighbor just saw me-"

"Put on the clothes you dumb ass."

Jihoon huffed, "why are your curtains open?"

Hyunsuk shrugged from the bathroom turning on the water, "I don't know m, it's fine she probably liked what she saw."

"I'm going to kill you."

"I'm your hyung!"


Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, "leave you'll be late!"

"Okay see you!"

Hyunsuk was at peace finally, he took his shower and put on his clothes. He had to go out to his cafe to do some meet up with the insurance company and the people that are helping him dry out the place.

Hyunsuk picked out new flooring and had to get parts of the walls redone. Every thing else was fine and it was just the front that was damaged, the kitchen completely untouched.

Walking out after the meeting, he bowed to the ppl and locked the cafe door. The loud sound of the fans still heard though it was closed.

"Oh Hyunsuk hyung!"

Hyunsuk turned and saw his friends, he gave them a smiled, "what are you guys doing don't you have class?"

"It was postponed, we are going out for hangover soup right now. What to come," Yoshi asked.

Hyunsuk nodded, "sure."

Jaehyuk started talking about how he got Asahi's number and that they went out together the other night.

They sat at a table and Yoshi started to speak up, "Hyung, Jihoon is wearing a sweater I think you own."

Hyunsuk tried not to look suspicious, "well it must be a popular item."

"Mm, don't you customize all your clothes hyung? That's what you told us last night," Junkyu said.

"Not my sweaters, it's hard cause they are all knitted," Hyunsuk said.

Yoshi tilted his head, "Hyung, you can style them by like tying things."

"Yeah I have done that before," Hyunsuk said.

"Ha! Jihoon spent the night at your apartment," Yoshi said.

"What? No he didn't." The three males looked at Hyunsuk suspiciously, "okay fine, but it wasn't like that. He took all of us home."

"I'll send him my thanks then," Jaehyuk said.

Hyunsuk nodded, "he made me breakfast so I'm not all that hungry, I just have nothing better to do."

The boys chuckled.

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