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Unedited; late, second to last chapter.

Kind of mature, because it could be taken a different direction but I make it soft at the end. No smut in this book sorry!!!


Jihoon heard Hyunsuk's birthday was coming up and he really want to make a move on the older boy. He sat down with the Male's friends to ask him about it.

"Why did you call us hyung," Jaehyuk asked.

Jihoon smiled, "I wanna confess to Hyunsuk."

Yoshi clapped, "it's about time!"

Jihoon laughed, but Junkyu was a bit lost, "what do we have to do with it?"

"I need a plan, thought you guys could help."

"Whatever it is make it a surprise," Jaehyuk said.

"I think we should say something about the cafe," Junkyu said.

"Yeah he hasn't check on it and its practically ready for grand opening, I set up some new things he got," Yoshi said.

Jihoon soon had an idea and everyone thought it was perfect too bad you will find out on the last chapter.

When Jihoon left the three friends he walked by the shop looking at it. He missed it, making memories he'll keep forever. The cafe made him feel useful, it gave him new friends, and it was also the place where he fell in love for the first.

When Hyunsuk came to mind a smile appeared on his face, then the sound of his phone broke the silence.



"Hyung? You sound drunk," Jihoon said a bit concerned.

"I just wanted a quick drink but this man keeps bothering me, telling me to drink more," Hyunsuk said.

"Can you share your location?"

Jihoon made his way where the boy was, he ran. He was a bit far but waiting for a taxi would have wasted time.

"I'm fine thank you," Hyunsuk tried to keep saying things to ward of the male but it wasn't working.

Jihoon's blood was boiling, how dare anyone trying to make such a pure and beautiful boy uncomfortable, "I'm almost there."

"Hey that's my phone!"

Jihoon ran faster when he got to the place he had to show his ID at the door. He walked in spotting the male in the corner, he could punch the male but he decided to hold back.

"Hey, I'm here to pick you up," Jihoon said walking over.

The male was probably like twice the age of Hyunsuk, he gave Jihoon a glare, "who are you?"

"His boyfriend, " Jihoon said, crossing his arms.

The male ended giving a wicked smile, "oh really? What a pretty thing you got here and you aren't bad either, wanna join?"

Jihoon grabbed the males arm and put him in a lock with the arm behind his back, "when someone says no, the answer means no."

Jihoon called the bartender to get a security guard,  Jihoon grabbed Hyunsuk phone then his hand and exited the environment.

Hyunsuk was still drunk and amazed by Jihoon's skill, then blushing about the fact he's holding hands with Jihoon.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm okay, did you run here?"

Jihoon nodded.

Hyunsuk was amazed by the males will to protect him, even if drunk his heart was beating. Which he wanted to blame on the alcohol.

The went to Hyunsuk's apartment, Jihoon made the boy sit on the couch and got a glass of water.

Hyunsuk pulled out a mint know his breath reels of the beverage from earlier. Jihoon sat next to him and turned the TV on, soon Hyunsuk was bored that Jihoon wasn't looking at him. Maybe it was a bit of the alcohol talking but Jihoon was taken back when Hyunsuk straddle his lap.


Hyunsuk gave a cute smile and pouted, "you keep looking at the TV, pay attention to me too."

Jihoon was red and he didn't know where to put his hands, Hyunsuk saw then grabbed his hands placing on his thigh and the other at his hip.

"Hyunsuk you're drunk," Jihoon said, his mind was wandering to places he shouldn't be.

Hyunsuk has his arms on the boys shoulders a hand playing with the back of his hair, "I'm not as drunk as I was before though, thank you for saving me."

Jihoon smiled, "of course, I'll always be there for you."

Hyunsuk smiled, slightly pulling the males hair so Jihoon was looking up at him, Jihoon held back a sound, "I think I should reward you."

Jihoon didn't want to ruin the moment, Hyunsuk made him feel like he was buzzing. Hyunsuk's face quickly got closer until their lips were touching. Jihoon gripped the males thigh a bit in surprise, but the feeling over there lips together made him feel overwhelmed.

Hyunsuk kissed him softly for about a minute then pulled away, "I always wanted to do that."

Jihoon smiled, "me too."

"What if I want more?"

Jihoon shook his head, "no, I'm not the type to take advantage of someone."

Hyunsuk nodded, "can we put on pajamas and watch a movie?"

"What movie?"


"Did you want to cuddle too?"

"Yes please!"

Jihoon chuckled and picked up the boy bringing him to his room. After that they were inseparable almost, unofficially official.

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