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It was a clear day, Hyunsuk was wiping tables and cleaning the place up before he would open up shop. Jaehyuk was already here to prepare the barista station so the machines would warm up. Junkyu was pre-grinding the coffee beans that were used for the drinks. Then he has Yoshi in the back baking the pastries that they serve.

It was the first day of spring, the flowers the bloomed outside the store window and on the patio put the staff in a good mood.

"Hyung, the beans are done and divided," Junkyu announced.

Hyunsuk gave a small smile and nodded, "you can put the sign up and unlock the doors now, I'll help yoshi in the back."

Junkyu went to go do as told, hyunsuk making his way to organize the pastries on the shelf display. The bell rang and all the boys welcomed the customer in.

Junkyu was taking care of them as the cashier. Hyunsuk placed the last of the chocolate croissants on the shelf tuning into the conversation as he came back to place the fruit tarts.

"Junkyu! Haven't seen you in a while!"

Junkyu laughed a bit, "yeah, I've been working a lot when I'm not in class. What can I get for you?"

"Iced Americano and one of these," the male said.

Hyunsuk looked up going to get the selected pastry the customer was pointing at only to see a finger pointing directly at him. Hyunsuk's cheeks turned a pastel pink color as he was frozen in his spot. His eyes then followed the Male's finger as it pointed at the fruit tart.

Hyunsuk looked up at the male who smiled, "the fruit tarts are my favorite."

"Jihoon hyung, is it for here or to go?"

"To go, I have an appointment."

"Sukkie hyung can you pack that up for him please," Junkyu asked, getting a small nod from the male.

Hyunsuk took out one of their small boxes and placed the tart inside, sealing it before putting the box on the counter, "enjoy."

"I sure will," Jihoon smiled at hyunsuk who was flustered by the male taking the box slightly touching his hands.

Hyunsuk put his hands to his sides feeling the warmth and a bit uncomfortable from the new feeling.

"Have a nice day!"

"See ya, kyu!"

Jihoon left the store leaving hyunsuk curious about him but released a breath of relief.

"You know him?"

"Old high school senior, we were in choir together."

Hyunsuk nodded slowly, "cool."

Before returning to the display case hyunsuk washed his hands trying to scrub off the feeling of the males fingertips.

"Hyung if you scrub too hard your hands might come off," Jaehyuk said peering over.

Hyunsuk surprised pulled back his hands to dry them off, "why aren't you at your station?"

"I gotta wash my hands, gotta stay clean," Jaehyuk said showing his hands and wiggling his fingers.

Hyunsuk let out a small laugh, "alrighty."

Making his way back and finishing up his display case, Yoshi who didn't have to make much since stocked did smaller jobs like washing the dishes, sweeping, restocking, and cleaning up after himself.

Hyunsuk normally overviews the boys and customers, occasionally running errands and cleaning the lobby.

"Hyung, inventory has to be done by five, thought I would remind you," Yoshi said.

Hyunsuk gave him a thumbs up, sort of forgetting, "thank you!"

He went to his office in the kitchen corner to print out some papers, clipping it to his board. He put on his glasses and took a pen starting to walk around the area that carried products so he could check what he has so he knew what to order.

The phone started to ring just as he was making his way to the other side of the kitchen to refrigerators.

Picking up the phone, "teume cafe, hyunsuk speaking."

"Hello, Hyunsuk this is Doyoung calling. My manager Asahi wanted me to call to make sure the animal adoption fundraiser is still going to happen this Saturday."

"Yes! Totally, I'll get special treats made just for the fundraiser."

"Thank you so much! We will see you guys this Saturday hopefully some of these puppiess and kittens can find homes, we are almost out of space."

"We will try our best, Yoshi worked on a flyer to post our SNS to promote the event."

"That's great send it over!"

"Will do, goodbye."

"See ya!"

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