Bottled Up Feelings (12)

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Days later Finn was doing better but not quite okay. He still smiled and laughed but there was a part of him that he tried to hide, but he wasn't fooling me. Every time I tried to bring it up he would just brush it off and say he was just tired. I want to help him but I have no idea how.

"Soooo...," I dragged out to get Finn's attention. We were on the way back from school and I wanted to do anything to break the silence. He glanced over waiting for me to carry on. "I was thinking we could see a movie tonight. There's one that I heard was-." He cut me off.

"That sounds fun and all but I'm just too tired today," his eyes were glazed with hurt and sadness. I nodded but said nothing more. We spent the rest of the ride in an odd silence. When we pulled up to my house he put the car in park and shifted to face me.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning ok?" He gave me a sad smile.

"Finn please don't do this. I know you feel like you have to pretend with your family but it's me. You never have to pretend with me. I'm always going to be here for you.

It was as if a mask fell from his face. "El," tears ran down his face. "I just don't know how to deal with this. My parents expect me to just me ok, but I'm really n-not," he was choking on his words.

I wrapped my arms around him a tight as I could. I felt like if I didn't hold him close enough he would just slip through my arms.

I just stroked his hair and tried to comfort him. "P-please never l-leave me, " he struggled to get out.

"I will never leave you. I promise, " he held on tighter and continued to cry.

We sat in that car just holding each other. He is my safety and I'm his.

A few days later at school, he seemed a whole lot happier. I feel like it was because of all the emotions he had built up he finally got to let out. I mean I'm sure I'd feel relieved too.

We were laughing and joking like normal as we walked down the halls. As we reached our lockers Finn turned to me.


"Yes, Jonah?" I smirked. He scrunched his nose up in disgust.

"I hate when you call me Jonah, it just doesn't sound right coming from you," he shuddered.

"Anyway what's up?" he was visibly nervous. I could see him shifting his feet. Every time he was anxious in any way he would shift foot to foot.

"Um don't freak out, but I have to tell you something." I raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to go on. "I kinda had a date last night," my heart sunk and I almost toppled over. "A d-date?" I looked at him with wide eyes. He nodded and smiled. "What? Why? Who?" I must've looked like a fish gasping for air. "Well her name is- actually she's right over there," Finn motioned over a girl that I couldn't see very well. "El you're gonna love her," he held out his arm and put it around her shoulder. My jaw dropped. No freaking way. The one and only Ashley Lilac was currently cuddled up under my best friend's arm.

"Ashley this is El, and El this is Ashley," he smiled widely.

"Nice to meet you El, " she flashed a sweet white toothy grin and stuck out her hand.

"It's Isabella, " I crossed my arms. What did she think she's doing.

"Well, I have to get to class. I'll see you at lunch El. Bye Ash, " he gave me a quick hug and walked off.

"What do you think you're doing." I seethed and stepped towards her.

"Whatever do you mean?" she gave me her most innocent face. I resisted the urge to slap her.

"You know exactly what I mean. You knew he's my best friend!" if humans could have smoke coming out of their ears then I would have.

"Maybe you shouldn't have messed with me like you did, " she fired back.

"Mess with you? Me mess with you? You have been torturing me all of high school!" I spat.

She smirked and turned away on her heels. "I'll see you at lunch!" she called out.

I sat in the hallway just trying to collect myself. She couldn't get away with this.

Hey guys! I know that chapter was a lot but I'm really happy with it. I'm trying to upload more frequently. What did you all this of this chapter? I'll catch you next time!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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