Smiles and Sorrys (4)

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Weeks had passed and it was now the beginning of November. Things had been hard since visiting my brother's grave but, it was getting better.

Roots by Imagine Dragons played in my ears while I walked through my school with heavy books in my arms. As usual, school had sucked today and I was so ready to go home. Finn had gotten detention for punching the ceiling (don't ask me why because I have no clue) so I would have to walk home today. The bright afternoon sun hit my face as I stepped outside. I had gotten about five feet when a football hit the back of my head. I rubbed the back of my head when a guy came running up.

"I am so sorry. It was an accident." He blurted out. I finally took the time to look at him. He had dark blonde hair and mesmerizing eyes.

"You're saying sorry? To me?" I asked quite confused. When things like this happened it was on purpose.

"Yes, I hit you with that." He said pointing to the football on the ground.

"Oh um it's ok. It didn't really hurt."

He smiled at me obviously relieved. He picked up the football and looked at me. "What's your name?" He asked. "Isabella." I said with a small smile. "Well, Isabella I'm Ryder." He said returning the smile. "Hey, it's totally fine if you say no but can I walk you home?" He asked shyly. "That would be great my friend is in detention today so I have nobody to walk with." He smiled widely and said, "well now you do." We began to walk in silence.

"Why did you seem so shocked that I apologized?" He asked tired of the silence.

"People don't exactly like me at this school," I told him shyly.


"Easy target I guess."

He looked lost in thought so I didn't say anything.

"Do you have any friends?" He asked suddenly.


"Do you have any friends?" He questioned again.

"Just one."

"Well, now you have two." He smiled and swung his arm around me. I smiled back and we continued talking till we reached my house.

"Well, this is my house. Thanks for walking me." I smiled.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah bye, Ryder."

"Bye, Bella." He called out as he walked away. Bella. I like that. I thought as I closed my door.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't worry there is a lot more drama to come.😈
Hope you guys are excited about the new character.
Love, May ❤️

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