Who You're Dating

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Warnings: Drug withdrawal.

You're dating her brother, Jeremy. Despite Jeremy being younger than you, you find a connection with the younger Gilbert. When you first meet him, you're the new student in town and Jeremy is the boy who had lost his parents. You introduced him to the world of drugs he hadn't known about. At first, he pays you for it, taking home small packets of weed or pills. But gradually, he demands more. He's so broken and lonely that you feel bad for him. You start giving away your stash to Jeremy. His sister doesn't notice until that first day.

She confronts you in the hallway, fists clenched by her sides as if she's going to punch you. "What the hell have you been giving Jeremy?" She has to look up to look you in the eyes, and that makes her a lot less intimidating than she wants to be. "Don't worry, he's fine." "It's not fucking fine! He got a DUI the other night, and he doesn't even fucking drive!" "Careful, Elena. You don't want to attract too much attention... do you?" Elena glances at the other students that have gathered to watch her implode. "Jeremy's just a kid. He doesn't fully know what he's doing, okay?" Her voice is pleading, soft. You look away uncomfortably and walk past her when the bell rings.


Elena goes into Jeremy's room as soon as he leaves the house. What she sees there fills her eyes with tears. It's drugs. More than she's ever seen before. Packets of white power, something she recognizes as weed... It's too much. Jeremy is struggling, an addict. She hears the door downstairs slam. She feels someone grab her from behind and throw her onto the floor. Jeremy, fuck. "Why the hell are you snooping through my shit?!" Elena doesn't move, frozen with fear. "Answer me, you fucking bitch!" Elena flinches at the word. "Where the hell did you get all of this? Did Y/N give you all of this?" Jeremy lets out a hollow laugh. "Y/N? No, this is the real shit," he says, flicking open a packet with white power. "Then where... where did you get it?" "Not in Mystic Falls." Elena is afraid. For herself, for Jeremy. He's losing control over himself and letting the drugs overtake him. "Please, don't do this, Jer. I can help." "You can't help, Elena. The only person that can help is..." He pauses. "Y/N." "She started this," Elena protests. "No. She tried to get me to stop. She tried to... but I lashed out. Maybe everyone I love leaves me." "You're in love with her," Elena realises. "You're right. I hurt you... I hurt Y/N. I need help." Elena hugs her brother tightly.

"Hey, Y/N. I need to talk." *Ping!* "What's up?" "Jeremy's on hard drugs. Stuff like cocaine." "I don't sell cocaine. Even if I did, I wouldn't give them to Jeremy." Elena pauses, finally getting confirmation that Jeremy got his drugs somewhere else. "Do you know who?" · · · "No. Sorry." Elena lets out a frustrated sigh.


"I don't want to go. Please, don't send me-- Elena!" Elena's heart breaks at the sight of her brother, handcuffed to the stretcher. He's crying, screaming like a rabid animal. Elena can't bear the sight. "I'm so sorry, Elena. I should've stopped him," you confess. "You didn't do anything," Elena says brokenly. "That's exactly the problem. I just didn't want to believe that my-- that Jer would get like this." Elena nods in understanding.

You grow closer to Elena while Jeremy is in the hospital

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You grow closer to Elena while Jeremy is in the hospital. You start to think you're in love with her. Elena is the opposite of Jeremy-- she's careful and warm, while Jeremy was always reckless. He starts to feel colder, more further away, as you get to know his sister. Jeremy finds out about your feelings. "I didn't think that you... it's fine. I don't deserve you, but my sister does." "Jeremy, I love you, okay?" But you barely believe it. He just shakes his head, not angry at all. "Go be with... be with Elena."


Warnings: Canon-typical violence, unhealthy relationships.

You're with Rafael, the newly triggered werewolf. He had reluctantly come to the Salvatore School, like many others before him. He hadn't known about the existence of werewolves before he had triggered his curse, and not about the vampires and witches that inhabited the school alongside him. It was all a little... crazy. He hadn't been sure if the school was right for him; he appreciated what the school was doing, but he felt like an outsider. That is until he met you. You were a loner. You came from a foster family, like Rafael, and they had kicked you out when they found out about your new abilities. Alaric Saltzman had found you and then taken you in. You were grateful to him, to the school, but you found no friends. The students here are different from you. Most of them had come from a similarly supernatural family. They hadn't been kicked to the curb like trash. You instantly found a connection with Rafael.


"Come on, that'll hurt," Rafael said. "No it won't," you said, easily dodging his move. He grabbed you tightly by the shoulders and slammed you down to the floor. You let out a breathless laugh. "Shit! I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Rafael's eyes flashed with anger. You grabbed his arm and pulled him down next to you, shutting him up. "Just 'cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm weaker than you. I'm a werewolf, too," you told him. Rafael nodded. "I know, it's just, you know-- you don't hit girls."

Josie felt the familiar hot magic running through her veins when she saw you and Rafael lying next to each other. She tried to stop herself, but... she didn't want to. "Incendia." The fire spread from her palm onto the gym floor, easily spreading through the wood. "Shit, Raf!" You jumped up instinctively like a cat, shielding Rafael. You saw a flash of straight brown hair and knew who had done it. Your eyes glowing with adrenaline and anger, you ran out the door.

"Josie!" Josie hears your voice and freezes

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"Josie!" Josie hears your voice and freezes. "I didn't do it. Whatever you're asking me, it's not me." "I saw you," you spat. You circle her, much like a predator does to its prey. Josie's heart rate spikes and you laugh at the erratic rhythm. You grab her by the collar and slam her into the wall, unable to resist. "Why did you do that? Were you trying to kill me?" Josie whimpers. "Answer me!" You demand. "No, I was... I didn't do it on purpose," Josie whimpers. You hear heavy breathing behind you. "She wasn't trying to kill you; she was trying to kill me." You freeze at his words. "He didn't do anything to you." "She's in love with you," Rafael explains, pulling you away from the siphoner. You laugh cruelly, unaware of how much you're hurting Josie. "There are better ways to show that you love me than trying to kill my friend, Jo... and to think that I once liked you..." Josie's cheeks burn bright red in embarrassment. Rafael sighs at the tears his former friend is trying to hold back. "Don't hurt her, Y/N. She didn't mean to hurt me." His personality is endearing most of the time, but right now, there's nothing you want more than to hurt her.


Josie's hands are shaking and a million thoughts are racing through her head. She feels like she's Lizzie. What she has just done is something that she feels like even Lizzie wouldn't have done. She had claimed to love you and she had just cast a spell on you. She was so stupid, so reckless. She had hurt not just Rafael, but you, as well. Tears filled her eyes when she remembered the look on your face. You had been so angry... no, disgusted. Josie didn't know what had gotten into her; it was usually Lizzie's job to be possessive over her crushes.


Josie was startled when you slammed her door. "Please, don't hurt me..." Josie whimpered. Your eyes were golden, and Josie could see the hint of fangs in your mouth. "I'm not here to hurt you." "Then why are you- oh." Josie sighed as you pulled her in for a rough kiss.

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