Holding Hands

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DT: Romanorges_, kaispersonalwhore_


Warnings: Canon-typical violence.

She held your hand whenever you got scared and it was a lot of times in the scary, supernatural world you lived in. Everyone around you had become something not-human, leaving you a vulnerable survivor. Caroline always protected you, strong and brave in the face of your panic. You hadn't wanted to bother her with everything, though. That's why you hadn't called her when a hunter had cornered you. He asked you to join him in exterminating your friends. "No, I won't do that," you had said bravely. He had pleaded with you a few times before his tactic changed. That was how you died, at 19 years old.

You didn't know this, but she held your hand even as her friends helped her to move your body from the scene. She held your hand all the way up until the moment she had to let you go.


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Warnings: Death, graphic violence.

"Fire!" "Did someone just say there's a fire?" "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure there isn't. Last week it was a-" The office door burst open. "Hey-" "You have to get out of here. It's spreading," Brandon informed you with a panicked look in his eyes. "Got it, thanks, Brandon," you said. You grabbed Elena's hand, ready to evacuate the building through the window when you heard an all-too-familiar scream. "Y/N, your parents are-" Elena started. "I'm- Elena..." "Go. You have to go and help your parents," she urged you. "But... the window's too high for you to jump." "It doesn't matter. I don't have a choice right now. You don't have a choice, babe." "I can't leave you!" You shouted, all the while realizing your parents could be dead right now. "I jump and I have a chance of survival or I get caught in the fire, right?" "Look, someone called 911. They're coming. You're going to be okay." Sure enough, you could hear the sirens, but they were too far away for Elena to hear them, "I'm going to make sure my parents-- I'm going to make sure my parents are okay and I'm going to come right back, okay?" "Okay." Elena didn't look convinced. With a heaviness in your heart that hadn't been there before, you left.

You sped through the building as fast as you could. You didn't care that someone might see you, realize what you are.

You couldn't hear them anymore. You stopped in the middle of the second floor and strained your ears to listen for their heartbeats. No, no, no, no, no, no. Tears stung your eyes but you couldn't afford to have a breakdown right now because Elena was still alive, and God damn it, you wouldn't let three people you loved die today.


"Elena! Elena!" You made it to the office on record time, nearly tearing down the door in your urgency to get her out of the building. Your girlfriend was huddled against the wall and
silent. She looked fine but she could've inhaled the smoke. Had it stopped her breathing? You wrapped your arms around her body and practically flew through the biggest window in the room.

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