They Propose

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DT: Klausgirl22, trouvaillxOcean, RememberJuly637,reganejmartinez


Warnings: Implied attempted murder.

"Why did you do that?! Why did you-- why would you risk your life like that?" "Because it was worth it. Cause I knew you'd come back to me." "God, Bonnie..." You gently set her down, realizing that she probably didn't want you to keep holding onto her after what you had just done. You felt tears blur your vision as the weight of her body left your arms. "Hey, it's okay... it wasn't your fault." "How can you say that, Bonnie? I could have killed you." "Because you didn't. Hell, you could have killed me a thousand times over in the eight years that we've known each other." "I want to thank you, Bonnie Bennett, for trusting me, for depending on me, and most of all, for loving me." "Y/N..." "Please, marry me," you blurted out, realising a second too late that you were standing and not on one knee like you were supposed to be. "Yes, yes, yes!"


"Y/N!" All the stress that had accumulated within you today vanished as soon as you heard Davina calling your name. "Davina... God, today was a shit show." Her smile turned into a frown and you immediately felt had for causing it. "I... I heard about Klaus, Y/N. How are you doing?" You just shrugged. "He was an asshole." "He was like my brother, though. I... I actually miss him," Davina admitted. "I gotta admit I cried when he said goodbye," you said softly, "If there's something good that came out of this, it's that we're free now. I can be with you as long as you want me." "I'll want you forever, Y/N." "Alright... then where's destination one for our forever?" "Anywhere you want." "Anywhere I want? I've been everywhere, darling, you choose."


After an exciting two years, you were finally back home. And now, more than ever, you were sure of what you wanted to do. What you had to do. So, on a rare day where Davina had something to do without you, you went to the jeweller in town and picked up the most expensive diamond ring you could've got.


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"Marry me, Davina." "What?" Her expression conveyed shock but also disappointment and you felt embarrassment and a deep sadness bubble up inside you, threatening to make you burst into tears. "I-I was going to ask you first," she said, interrupting you from going down a very dark path in your mind. "You... ask... me?" "I know you're like the 'guy' in the relationship but... I bought this a week ago." "Davina..." You burst into tears when she got on one knee.  "Are those good tears?" She teased. "Yes. A million times, yes."


Warnings: Threats.

You woke up to find that your head was pounding and your gums aching. You already knew what was happening from having observed several vampires in transition at the school. And you already knew what your decision was going to be.

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