They babysit

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Y/C/N: Your child's name.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Caroline nodded. "Hi, Y/C/N!" Your timid son just nodded at her and hid behind you. "Auntie Caroline is going to be taking care of you." "What about you, Mommy?" He asked, wrapping himself around you. "I'm going to be going on a trip, and you can't go with me." "NO!" He shouted. "I'm so sorry, Y/C/N." You gently untangled him from you. "It's okay, Y/C/N. Your Mommy will be coming back very soon." Caroline reassured. "I said, no!" The air in the room seemed to crackle with his energy. Caroline stepped back, clearly feeling it, too. "Calm down, baby. You know you can't lose control like that." "I can't control it." He started to cry.


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"Do you want to watch a movie?" Caroline asked Y/C/N with a smile. 


Warnings: Blood, violence towards children.

"I don't know what to do with her," you cried. Katherine gently took your daughter from you. "What is she?" She asked curiously. "Her dad was a vampire, I know it should be impossible but..." "Whoa... so, what's the problem?" "She can't drink milk, and I can't...she won't drink blood." "I think I know what the problem is." "What?" Katherine bit into her wrist. You gasped. "Please don't worry," Katherine assured you. You watched, fascinated, as your daughter's eyes darkened. "She has the vampire face," Katherine noticed. "Yeah. The only thing I know about this is...what happened to Renesmeé." You laughed. Your daughter slowly reached up towards Katherine and grabbed her wrist. "She's strong," Katherine observed. She let her pull her wrist down towards her mouth. Then she started to drink. "That's it, baby. I have a lot more where that came from."


Warnings: Murder (mentioned).

"You're letting me teach here? Why? I ruined your life!" Nora exclaimed. Alaric let out a sigh. "Do we have to hire her?" Caroline nodded. "Yes! Besides, she's good with kids." "I did volunteer at a children's hospital once, but it was mostly to get closer to Bonnie." Alaric rolled his eyes at the smirk settling on her face. "Okay, you're hired. Remember, get here at 6 AM every morning." "That's so bloody early," Nora protested. "Some of the seniors have classes at that time," Caroline explained. Nora didn't understand how kids could or would want to study at that time, but she didn't say anything.


"Hi, I'm Nora! I'm your vampire studies teacher, I teacher." She stammered. There were so many students, and she had never been a role model. No murder, and no physical violence, she repeated in her head. You raised your hand. "Y-yes?" God damn it, get a grip on yourself. "So, we didn't have this class last year. Why do we have it this year?" You asked. "I'm sorry?" "Is it required? I'm a vampire, and honestly, I don't need this class." Suddenly, Nora was angry. She let her eyes flash red for a split second. You gasped and stumbled back. Mostly, only witches revealed themselves and that was because they had to. "Sit back down! I'm teaching this class because I don't want you to act like me when you're older." "Yes, ma'am." You said quietly. Your face seemed to burn as the other kids started to laugh. This was what you did! You always picked a fight with the teachers. "Now, I want you all to open your laptops, I have your syllabus there..." You opened your laptop without another word, aware of the students staring at you. The class seemed to never end, with her explaining the new curriculum and the syllabus for this class.


"Wake the hell up! Am I that boring?" She asked, knocking on your desk. "Mmm." "Well, let me tell you something. I am not like your other teachers. I expect you to take part, and there are participation points." She said angrily. "You're hot when you're angry." "Excuse me?" She flushed. "Didn't you hear me? I said you're fucking hot."


Warnings: Past violence.

Y/C/N: Your child's name.

"Are you sure you're okay taking care of both of them? You've never done this before." You said, letting Kol take your daughter's hand. "I'm fine." "Seriously, we can always call Hayley." "Do you not trust me?" He looked down, a pout on his face. "No! Kol, that's not what I meant." "I promise I've changed, and you know that none of us would ever harm your child." "I know. It's just, she's kind of high maintenance." "No, she's not. She's adorable!" Kol commented as your child ran over to play with Hope. "She's both." You laughed. After this day, Kol would probably never ask to babysit again. "Well, bye baby! I'll be back in a couple of hours, okay?" Y/C/N waved but didn't even look at you, too engrossed in whatever Hope was showing her.

 "Well, bye baby! I'll be back in a couple of hours, okay?" Y/C/N waved but didn't even look at you, too engrossed in whatever Hope was showing her

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"Why don't a movie?" Kol suggested to them, opening up his laptop.


Warnings: Past child abuse.

Y/S/N: Your sister's name.

Klaus cautiously took your son into his arms. "He's so small," he commented. "They all grow up fast, though." "I'm afraid, Y/N. I don't want to ever hurt my daughter." He looked at your son as if he was the most precious thing in the world. "Klaus, you took care of Marcel and my Y/S/N. You're the opposite of a bad parent." "How can I be, when I've never had a good parent?" He looked so frightened. You couldn't believe it. Klaus Mikaelson was afraid of parenting. "I didn't have a mother, you think I'm a bad parent, Klaus?" "No. Of course not." He said immediately. "Exactly."


Warnings: Past rape.

"I'm so sorry, I know that I promised I'd have a date night with you, but this one wouldn't stop crying and I'm so exhausted..." "Hush, baby, you're tiring your Mum out." He said to the baby in your arms. "May I?" He questioned, his eyes sparkling. "Please." You pushed him into his arms. He smiled. "He is beautiful, he looks just like you," Elijah said. "Can I ask you something?" You know what he wants to know, but you still nodded. "Who is the father?" His voice was soft, gentle. "At first, I didn't...I didn't want him." Just saying that makes you want to die. How could you have thought that about your beautiful little boy? "Do you know what Niklaus said when he first found out that Hayley was pregnant?" You shook your head no. "He ordered the French Quarter witches to kill her." "What? But he loves Hope." You said without thinking. "He regretted what he said instantly. He didn't think he was ready to take care of a child." He said. "I was raped. I didn't want anything that was a part of him." You revealed, looking down at your son. You heard a broken sound come from Elijah. "But he's yours. And you're the one taking care of him, not him." Elijah reminded you.

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