Mikoto Misaka vs Beau Jones

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Beau's P.O.V

"You sure you want to do this Misaka?" I asked her as when met in an abandoned train yard.

"Yeah" she said.

"Ok everyone here are the rules. there are three round. You are to keep fighting until the other gives up or cannot fight. Beau may only use one alien per round" Saten said as I reached for the Ultimatrix.

"Now fight" Saten yelled as I slammed the core down. I became an alien that I call Ball weevil.

Alien info

Species: Unknown

Home World: Atrocius 0 (formerly)

Abilities: Plasma Ball Generation, Plasma Whips, Sharp Jaws, Sharp Horn, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Balancing, Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength, Wall Climbing, Bipedalism,

Via Plasma Balls: Matter Absorption,

I then spat a bit of plasma and started rolling it into a ball.

"Get ready" Misaka said as a tornado of iron sand formed around me.

"Nice try" I said exploding the now Misaka height plasma ball destroying the tornado.

I then spat out another one and started rolling it but just as it was three times the height of Misaka she shot lightning at it make it explode with me on it.

I quickly changed form and yelled "Crashhopper."

Alien info

Species: Orthopterran

Home World: Unknown

Abilities: Enhanced Jumping, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Acrobatics, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Ricocheting, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Speed, Hard/Sharp Head, Strong Knees, Sharp Claws, Sharp Arm Spike, Sharp Leg Spikes, Sharp Feet, Shock Waves, Quadrupedalism Wall Climbing,

"Your in for it now Fuse" I said.

"Ok what ever you say jumpy" Misaka replied.

I then use my super strong legs and jump up higher then the girls could see.

I then came rushing down at speeds that were going to hurt any close to where I land.

Unfortunately Misaka made an iron sand shield which did not stop my landing but slowed it down enough to stop her from getting hurt.

"Ok I give you that but can you stop this" I said using my increased speed to run at her.

But she just puts up and electrical barricade around herself.

"Fine I was hopping not to use this transformation but" I said hitting the Ultimatrix and becoming my most girly alien.

Alien info

Species: Nemuina

Home World: Nemunimos IV

Abilities: Projectile Sleep Dust, Oneirokinesis, Dream Viewing, Dream Entering, Flight, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Agility

"You better surrender" I purred.

"HAHAHA" the girls laughed when they saw me.

Misaka came up to me and said "you're so cute" while petting my hair.

"I thought we were fighting" I said throwing sleep dust at her.

Once it hit her she feel asleep.

"Well I win" I said entering her dream.

All I saw was Misaka about 100 Gekota and me as in Pesky dust.

A Certain Heroic Boy Book 1: Science, Magic and Aliens (Old version)Where stories live. Discover now