Chapter 5: My body is your body

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I was hooked up to an actual mind machine. Like, what the actual hell?

Mind machine... Mind machine...

What is that exactly, you might be asking.
Well, let me try to explain.

Think one of those weird box things you go in for MRI.

Except that, with a bunch of wires attached to your head, And gooey blue gel spread all over your body.

I was scared. That was an understatement, actually. I was completely, petrified, and caustrobic to boot.

I was panting slightly, as I heard the doctor's voice drift through the speakers inside the suffocating box.

"You'll need to relax, Miss Kent. I'll be flipping this switch in a moment. Are you ready?"

"Um, I guess?" I lied. I wasn't ready, but how could I ever be?

Then, everything went dark.

The light returned, but I wasn't in the mind machine anymore. I- without my body- was floating through an vast darkness.

The darkness faded, into blinding light, and then, I was in a room, with a single mirror. I stared at my own reflection. Except, it wasn't me, me.

Like, I was rediculoulsy pretty. My eyes seemed to glow, my frizzy black hair lied flat and silky in gorgeous waves down my back. My skin was clear, and perfect. I was stunning, so therefore, not like, me.

"Marty..." A voice drifted in from somewhere far away. A gentle call that could only be my mother.

I didn't know where my mouth was, so I couldn't exactly respond.

My mom continued; "You'll be seeing your kryptonian side, sweetie."

Then, my dad's voice floated through the after.

"Hun, you'll need to face her. Your other self, I mean. You'll need to let her know she has the right to your body, that your human side is ready to sit on the side burner."

"What?" I tried to gasp, but of course, I was still basically without a body and therefore a voice...

So my dad wanted me to give my body up to some... Other me? But would I still be me? Even if I was an ugly human, I kinda still wanted to be here!

My dads voice entered again; "don't worry sweety. This is all an illusion in your mind. All that will happen is your mind will change its direction, and your Kyptopian Genes will have free access. Do you understand?"

I stared into the mirror, possibly hyproventalating, if I knew where my lungs and body were.

The me within smiled shyly, backing away.

I tried to speak to her, but of course, I had no way to do this.

Instead, I thought as hard as I could.

"Take over my body, take over my body."

What on Earth was I doing?

None of this made any sense!

I stared more deeply. The girl-me in the mirror looked happy, as she walked forword, and out of the glass. I would have screamed, if I could.

Instead I reached with my mind, inviting her in. Hell, I would have been fine to make this me, me. She was hot, while I was not.

She walked closer and closer then, finally, she reached me. With one hand outstretched she touched me. Like, I felt it.

Then, the vision ended and I was back in the suffocating box.

I gasped deeply, my body covered in sweat. I felt like an explosion was going off in my brain.

The lid of my prison slid off, and my dad reached in to help me out. I fell quickly, into his arms, still shaking like mad.

He held me, as my body went though some kind of change, that wrecked with with shakes.

I couldn't function, couldn't stand, and this time, it was different then all the others. Like, this time, I was really disappearing though the haze my my body's loss of controll.

Then, finally, everything went dark. Except, it didn't stop there.

Quite the opposite.

For even in sleep, I felt it. Felt her, taking the body we'd once shared.

Welcome kyrptonite genes.

My body is your body, I guess.

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