Chapter 6: My dad's superman...

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So... My life is pretty strange, as it turns out.

One moment, I'm Martha Kent: weird girl, with a bad case of the jitters and acne, (though still human,) and the next I'm... Something alien. Litterly.

I woke up after the mind machine situation, in my own bed. This in itself was comforting, but the two pairs of eyes boring into my like a mental patiant seconds from snapping, was not.

My mom instantly dashed away to "get me tea," (cuz that's the cure all, obviously,) and my dad placed his hand on my forehead, beginng to fret like an old wife.

I smacked his hand away and groaned.

"How long was I out this time?" I asked, rubbing my temples. It felt like I'd been sleeping for a year!

My dad quirked an eye brow, his expression funny. "Honey, it's been.... A month."

"What!" I gasped, horrified. Now that was a whole new level of lazy bed slob...

He nodded. "We kept you under observation while your body went through... A change. The coma was induced. Otherwise you would have been in quite some pain. We brought you home before waking you, so you'd wouldn't freak out. So don't freak out, please." 

I didn't know what to say, or think. This was to much. WAY to much. I just stared blankly, about to freak out despite his plea not to.

"Marty..." He touched my shoulder softly.

"Would you like to see yourself? You're quite different now."

"I... Don't know if I can handle it." I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. Life was never exactly a thrilling adventure before, but I was okay with that. I LIKED that. I wanted it back. Wanted everything to just be normal, despite all those times I complained about "normal." God, why do I complain so much? No dating expiriences? Fine! At least I wasn't an alien!  Now though...

"I think you might see it in a better light after you, see you in a better light." My dad cracked a mysterious smile that sorta intriged me, and also freaked me out.

I groaned. "I know I've been sleeping for a month, or whatever, but I'm kinda not in the mood to handle like, anything right now. I'm one word away from a full blown mental break down, Daddio. Please put me back in a coma."

He shook his head, far from seeming apologetic. "No happening. Honey, it's time you accept all this. It's time you accept you."

His smile both taunted me and warmed me.

He was sorta right, for once. Only a cowered would refuse to see their new extreme makeover because it was different.

"Fine." I huffed, rolling my eyes. "I'll look at myself. But Ill probably faint again. Be warned."

He grinned, looking pleased with himself, as my mom made her way back with two steaming cups of tea.

She handed me one as my dad reached for the other. My mom held it out away from him.

"Who do you think I am? Martha Stewart? Make your own tea!"

My dad sighed, rolling his eyes, but still looking pleased and giddy.

"It's time for Marty to see herself, Lois." He said.

My mom clapped, nearly spilling her burning hot beverage. She winced at the small spalsh on her wrist, and then smiled hugley at me.

I sighed at the two, pulling myself slowly from bed. One thing I noticed instantly was the way my body felt so... Light. Breezy. Easy... Like I was made of some thin and yet strong material.

I stood, suddenly feeling all the energy in the world course through me.

My full length mirror suddenly held the image of a girl, a girl with perfect skin, eyes of perfect sight without need for glasses,  and glossy black hair that practically shined. The image was like, me, but so not me.

I touched my face slowly, gaping like an idiot. I was pretty. I was... Stunning.

"That's me?" I squealed.

My mom nodded, her image suddenly behind mine as she wrapped her arms over my shoulders. She was smiling brightly, with what looked like actual tears in her eyes. What a geek.

"You were beautiful before dear, but now... It's like you skipped the evils of puberty in a single month!"

"It's litterly like that." I shook my head, awed.

My dad cleared his throat. I turned to him, to see in his hands holding a pair of glasses. Not my own pair, but bigger, uglier ones.

I shot a disgusted look down at them, and he sighed. "You'll need to keep wearing these. They help people to see you as mortal. To keep people from becoming curious, and finding out your secret."

"Secret?" I snorted. "I'm half Alien and all, but how would not looking like a nerd reveal that? Trust me, no ones going to be asking, hey Martha? Are you from another planet? At least, not seriously..."

I folded my arms, while my mom and dad shot each other knowing looks. Ugh, I hated those knowing looks. Nothing ever made me feel more like a child that those looks. 

"No, seriously " I said. "I'm not wearing those."

My mom looked at my dad, who nodded slowly. My mom turned to me.

"Marty, there's more to it then just the kryptonian stuff. People will be watching. Why do you think your dad wears glasses and always acts so nerdy and clumsy?"

My dad shot her a quick frown at the word "nerdy."

She continued, ignoring him; "He's full kryptonian, unlike you. Sure, he is a geek, but he'd never trip on accident. He's as fast as a speeding bullet!"

"faster, actually " my dad said. My mom waved her hand.

"Faster, than. And he's more powerful then a locomotive! Can leap buildings in a single bound! And yet he wears nerdy clothes and glasses and always trips over his own feet? Don't you see? Put two and two together Marty! It's because he's-"

"Superman." I said, my mouth falling to the floor. The locomotive bit gave that one away...

My dad nodded slowly. Despite everything I'd seen, and everything I knew, I still couldn't seem to wrap my head around this one.

There was just no way. My dad? The greatest superhero the world had ever seen? Impossible. Rediculous. And... The only thing that made any sense at all.

I mean, that meant he had powers, and that made sense of course. Wait, did that mean, I had powers?

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to comprehend everything.

I litterly couldn't.

My dad patted my shoulder. "Sweetie... I know it's a lot."

"A lot." My eyes flew open, as a glare suddenly took hold of my face. "You could have told me forever ago. You could've  raised me, knowing, right? Why did you guys wait? Now everything is happening at once! I can't take it! I can't!" I was suddenly shaking with rage, my hands clapped into white fists at my side.

"Just get out! Leave me alone! I don't want to see you guys! Or hear your lame excuses."

My mom and dad looked at each other, thankfully, more guilty than "all knowing" like usual.

They slowly backed out of my room, not another word spoken between us. Good. Didn't want them to say anything else. Any second, my mom would have been confessing she Wonder woman, or the freaking flash, or something.

Once alone, I began punching my bed, too angry to not find release.

Except, turns out, when your Superman's daughter, you shouldn't punch things.

My whole bed collapsed like I'd dropped a car on it.

Or a freaking locomotive, for that matter.

Oh boy.

I really was Superman's daughter.

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