Friendly face

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Sorry it's so short! I'm trying to get back into this.


After destroying possibly my favorite object (my sleeping place,) I stood gaping for for longer than I should have. The buzz in my body slowly left, and I returned to a normal  state. The anger faded somewhat to, but, the shock over that would probably stick around forevor.

"Marty?" I heard my dad's voice, full of concern.

Of course he would have heard that. Super hearing, and all.

I was still mad though.

"What?" I said loudly, with a little too much venom in the word.

He was quiet for a moment.

Then, he said, "I know you're angry, but try and compose yourself. Your body has just gone through a change, and strong emotions will cause certain abilities to manifest faster than they would otherwise."

I took a deep, haggered breath, forcing back a stream of tears. This was just so much! Finally, control was lost as a single tear escaped my guard.

I ran to the door, threw it open, and fell into my dad's waiting arms.

Soon, I was wrapped up in both my parents embrace, crying like I'd never be happy again.

So this was my life now. I guess there was only one thing to do; get used to it. 

One month later

Get used to it, I did not.

I was prettier, sharper, and stronger then any teenage girl had the right to be, and all I did with this is sit around my apartment moping.

I couldn't have cared less about anything.

The tv screen held images of I Love Lucy, but I was halfheartedly watching it.

School was meant to start up again the following day. My best friend was home from her vacation, and had been calling for days. I hadn't spoken to her. I hadn't even left the apartment.

Here's the thing. I wasn't normal. Not in anyway.

If you walked into my apartment, you'd see that. In other words, the door knobs were broken, because of me. The tv remote had cracked in pieces, because of me. I'd had to manually work the tv for days. My strength was otherworldly. Litterly.  luckily, if I didn't get mad, things didn't break. Problem was, I got mad a lot.


I looked up. My mom stood over me, staring
Intently. She did that a lot, but this time, she had a different look about her.

"I called Liz. She'll be here in an hour."

"What!" I gasped, sitting up straighter.

"Mom! She can't see me like this!"

My mom shook her head. "You'll have to be careful with yourself, but... You need something to snap you out of this! You're acting like a depressed zombi, and I'm tired of it."

I glared angrily, folding my arms tightly to avoid punching something. That wouldn't have been a good plan at all.

I glanced up, seeing my dad in the corner. He shrugged. "You should see your friend, maybe it will make you feel better."

I scowled still. "And how exactly am I supposed to hide the fact that I'm an alien now?"

My dad shrugged. "like I do. Don't use your strength."

"Yeah, because I have control of that." I snapped bitterly, staring over at the crushed remote that still sat on our coffee table- which also had a crack in it, thanks to my anger over the remote breaking in the first place.

My dad simply shrugged again. "Don't touch anything?" He sighed. "And control your temper. Should be easy with Liz, right? Plus, you need to see a friendly face."

"You mean other then yours?" I bit back sarcastically.

My mom rolled her eyes. "Exactly, since you've been acting like we're out to destroy your life for weeks. Maybe Liz will have better treatment!"

"Maybe she will!" I stood up, feeling the rush to my head as I did. I held my head, before shaking away the feeling.

I carefully walked down the hall, to my room, where I opened the door gently, and- despite the strong urge to slam it behind me- I simply closed it.

Even I had learned to control my anger. Imagine that.

When Liz arrived, I had composed myself well enough, and became slightly more presentable. In other words, I changed out of my ketchup stained sweats, brushed my hair, put on a pair of false glasses, and forced a fairly decent happy smile.

She wasn't smiling though, when she walked into my room.

Liz was an amazing person, who despite having the coolest personality, still chose to chill with me instead of the popular kids. Of course, she hated them, so it wasn't to strange.

The look on her face was pure fury, though. Her hair, once straight as pin brown, was now died a vibrant green. Her nose was also pieced.

"Wow, cool hair Liz." I said awkwardly, trying to ignore the fact that she held murder in her gaze. She shut my bedroom door, and marched to my desk where I sat.

"What the hell Marty? I've been calling for days! What's your deal? What's your damage? Are you trying to drop me? I thought you were a better friend then that. And why do you suddenly look so hot? Never mind on that last one"

I blushed. "I-" I awkwardly stared at my hands.

She folded her arms. "Well? What do you have to say? I think it's pretty crappy to treat me like this. If you have shit going on, I should be the one you can talk to, right? That's what I'm for? Come on! Explain!"

"I uh... Um..."

She snorted. "Your mom told me you got dumped. That's obviously a lie. You would have told me about a boy... Right?"

Suddenly I could see the sadness flash in her eyes, and I truly felt remorseful.

It was crappy of me to ignore her. She deserved better.

"Um... Yeah, it was embarrassing... I don't know how to tell you... I'm sorry."

"Was it someone online?" She asked with a roll of her eyes. "I told you, long distance never works. Plus it never seems real! Right!"

"Yeah, totally." I nodded, sighing. "I'm really Sorry, Liz. I didn't mean to avoid you, I just, didn't know how not to." I bit my lip, hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions. To my relief, she sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I guess I get it. I'd be embarrassed to if I had a fake online relationship and then got dumped. Hey, what happened to your bed!"

I froze.

She stared, slanting her eyes. "Let me guess, you jumped on it again? I've told you, bad idea. So anyway, wanna watch a movie? Or go out somewhere? I want to hangout before school starts. Truly, truly dreading it. Aren't you?"

I nodded, smiling slowly. Her presence was comforting, even if I was to angry at my parents to admit it.

"A movie sounds good." I said.

"There's a showing at the mall." She said happily.

I gulped. "Maybe we could watch one here!"

Liz shook her head rapidly. "No way. I've been cooped at home for three days. We're going out. Plus, you're looking fresh. What did you use on your face? It's really clear. And your hair looks nice. Puberty did you nicely this summer. Anyway, you could find a nice rebound looking that way. Come on, get you're bag. We're definitely going out."

I tried to argue, but it was hopeless.

Soon enough, I was ready to go. As we went to leave, my mom and dad both shot me warning looks, which I took. I nodded to them, letting them know I'd be careful.

Hopefully, I could be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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