Chapter 8

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So today's the day my dad moves out moves to another country across the world I'm happy but sad my emotions are mixed

I really won't have any parents around now I think that's why I'm so upset over him leaving because I won't miss his habits or the way he's become

But I will miss him as in the person he once was I'm still on my bed I haven't felt like moving

I almost forgot why I'm up here but I remember Lex and Calum sent me up here Lex left awhile ago that's why I'm up

But I have to go to the airport Sarah insisted I go so I had to get up ether way he leaves pretty soon his flight leaves at three

Right now it's only noon and it takes about an hour to get to the airport I don't want to get up but I have too

Rolling out of bed deciding to get up I yank my phone off the cord and walk out of my room walking down stairs Calum and Luke are asleep like I thought

Approaching the kitchen Calum mumbles something about chickens and I laugh a little too loud

Covering my mouth with my hand I turn and laugh quieter removing my hand I open the cupboards and grab a cereal box and a bowl

Pouring the milk over the cereal I hear a loud hand on the table and jump causing me to pour milk all over

I turn around and notice Luke sleepily standing there

"Lucas or should I say Luke-ass you are cleaning this up" I tell him resting a hand on my hip

"I didn't spill it" he puts his hands up in defense smirking I grab a towel and put it over the area no use crying over spilled milk

"So uh isn't your dad leaving today" he asks as he yawns rubbing his eye

"Yeah I-I don't know how to feel about it" I tell him putting my hands on the sink turning around I walk back over to my breakfast

"It's okay to feel sad you know" he speaks as he sits down on the bar stool I hop on the counter letting my legs motion back and forth

"Yeah I know" I sigh running my hand through my hair grabbing my bowl of cereal and putting it in my lap I take a bite

"What time does his flight leave?" He squints his eyes towards me

"Uh three" I say after chewing the crunchy cereal which is just loud

He nods so I notice he herd me

I finish my cereal in silence as Luke looks like he's about to fall back asleep
his hand is holding up his head as his eyes are still closed

I jump off the counter and rinse my bowl and put it in the dishwasher

"Wait where's Lex and why didn't you stay downstairs last night?" I hear him mumble before turning myself around

"Well Lex left earlier and Calum wanted to talk to Lex but I saw-" I shouldn't finish the rest that's there business I turn around facing him

"Saw what?" His eyes flutter open and look up at me

"Uh well nothing" I say looking at the ground

"Okay-y" he sing songs

"It's one Calum has to get his lazy ass up" walking over to the living room seeing if he's even alive I grab a pillow and throw it at him

"Get up lazy"

"Nooo" he whines

"Come on it's one I have stuff to do" I tell him with a stern voice

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