Sometimes I Wonder What He's Thinking

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 From the moment that I met him, I knew something about Lev was different. He was crazy tall and half Russian, but that wasn't it. He definitely wasn't the brightest guy, nor was he a pro at volleyball... but even that wasn't what made him different.

No matter how I tried to look at him, I couldn't quite figure out what it was about him that made him so... different. No matter how I tried, I just couldn't ever figure out what he was thinking.

"Reisa!" Lev called out to me as he spotted me from a little ways down the street. Waving, he rushed over. This had become a part of our morning routine. I'd been leaving earlier so that I could meet up with him for his morning practices. I'd join in with some of the team's warm-ups, so long as they weren't volleyball related, and practice with S.B. whenever they went for a run.

Lev grinned at me, adjusting his bag. Glancing at it, I could see the corner of a book poking out of the zipper. He didn't strike me as being much of a reader, but I shrugged it off. You never really know with people...

Morning practice and classes passed by uneventfully, which was fine with me. No rescuing Lev from the vending machine. No crazy stunts at lunchtime... which actually should have been a red flag. Since we'd started studying together, he'd been dragging me off to have lunch with him... and today, he didn't.

After classes were done, I stayed back in the classroom, going over what I'd work on with Lev later that night. As nice as it was to be able to practice soccer, I had to admit that there really wasn't much of a point when there wasn't any sort of a team, so this was a welcome distraction... And an excuse to escape that energetic giant for at least a little while.

About fifteen minutes before practice would be ending, I made my way to the gym. They should have been starting cleanup right about now, which meant that I'd only have to wait a short time before dragging Lev off to torture him with his study sessions... provided they didn't push him out earlier.

As I stepped into the gym, I could hear relieved words from the various members of the club. Yeah, that didn't sound good. Kuroo pushed Lev towards me. "Take him. He's your problem now."

"What happened this time?" I sighed, not entirely sure I wanted to know.

Kuroo scowled and crossed his arm over his chest. "He's driving everyone nuts with these horrid puns... and even worse jokes." Now, as small as that sounded, it was apparently annoying enough to make the captain try to get rid of Lev... and that meant it had to be bad. "I swear every other word out of his mouth has been a stupid joke all day."

Kuroo then shoved the two of us out the door and closed it quickly behind us. I looked at Lev with a sigh. "Lev, what the heck did you do...?"

Lev just shrugged. "I thought they were funny." He then turned and unzipped his bag, pulling out the book that I'd seen poking out earlier. He handed it to me, letting me take a look. I flipped through a few pages, scanning the many jokes in it. Immediately I started to get why everyone was so annoyed.

"Lev, these jokes are terrible." I handed the book back to him. Really, I should have just thrown it out, but I couldn't just do that. For all I knew, the book wasn't even his.

He frowned. "I thought they were funny."

"Only to a little kid maybe... Kuroo and the others probably think it too."

Shrugging, he stuffed the book back in his bag. Hopefully, he'd learned his lesson and wouldn't do it again... but then again, you would have thought that about the vending machine mishap too.

After a moment, Lev's face brightens back up again. "Let's study at your house tonight! You've seen my room a lot, but I haven't seen yours yet!"

That was if I let him... but as annoying as I knew he could get, I wasn't sure I wanted to fight with him on that one. It really wouldn't even be worth it to argue over. "Alright, but no stupid jokes from the book or I swear you're studying on your own."

The Stupidity Of Love (Lev Haiba)Where stories live. Discover now