"Who's Debbie?"

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-Chapter 16-
Bree's POV

Tyler and I were cuddling on the bed. Even though we slept together it still felt a little weird to cuddle. He never had time for this, he was always busy running errands during the day.

"Have you got plans for today?" I asked slightly waking him up.

"Nah baby. I've decided to save this day for you. Now go back to sleep"

"Oh, um, that's really nice but I do have stuff to do. Actually I'm kind of late already"

"Oh.. where you goin?" he said letting go off me and sitting up.

"I told Debbie I was going to hang out with her today"

"Who's Debbie?"

"She used to be one of my best friends and I really haven't seen her ever since I got locked up"

"Oh yeah? Why didn't she visit you if she was really such a good friend of yours"

"Oh.. I-I really haven't spoken to her about that.. I think it's maybe because-"

"Because I don't remember anybody else but me watching over you whenever you had one of those depressive episodes or anxiety attacks"

"I know Ty, and I'm really grateful to you for being there for me but-"

"Yeah I can see that" he said furiously and then stepped out of the room"

"Ty! Where are you going, we were having a conversation back there!"

"Convo is over. Go see your friend I'm out of here"

"Tyler-" I said right before he slammed the door on my face.

Defeated I plopped myself in the couch, thinking where did I go wrong. Everything was going so smoothly and I just had to ruin it. I should've just called Debbie and cancel our date since Tyler had taken the day off for me. Why am I so stupid?

Sitting there on the couch I felt myself being drag into one of those episodes Tyler mentioned before, and I almost gave in to it. But before it could completely reach me I decided to stop it. I got up and went directly to the shower. Showering always helped with my anxiety. I remember the days when I felt so bad that I couldn't get out of bed, so Tyler carried me to the shared bathrooms and helped me out. He has been so good to me this whole time.

After the shower I felt better. I threw some makeup on to cover up my bruise and called Debbie to let her know that I was running late, but she didn't answer so I went straight to her house.

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