Dont leave me

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-Chapter 10.2-

"Jesus Mandy! You dont have to put up with this"

I slept over at the Milkovich's house and could finally convince Mandy to tell everything to Mickey.

"I don't deserve this" she cried on my arms after we made Mickey promise that he wasn't gonna try to avenge her. Luckily he was busy with Ian so he did as told.

"I know you don't" I said trying to calm her as I brushed my fingers through her hair "That's why we're putting an end to this"

"What do you mean?" she said still sobbing "We gonna kill him?"

"Jesús no! I just got out of juvie. Though I'll do it if that's what you want"

"No it's alright, what was your plan?"

"You're breaking up with him"

"Don't you think I tried? He comes back every time like nothing even happened!"

"It's gonna be different this time"


"We are gonna shoot him, he ain't coming back after that for sure"

"Bree I love your crazy ass, but we shoot him, he shoots back"

We spent the whole evening trying to come up with a plan. But nothing seemed right. Mandy looked sadder every hour and my mind was already dry out of ideas.

"Everything alright?" I asked since she was way too quiet.

"I'm leaving Bree"


"I'm leaving" she repeated and my world collapsed.

I stood there shocked at her words. First my sister then Carl and now Mandy. Fucking everyone was leaving. Though Carl came back, but this is not about Carl! It's about Mandy, my best friend in the entire world, my only friend actually.

"You can't leave Mands! Not because of a stupid guy who thought it was correct to hit you"


"No I way Mandy. You can't just give up! I won't give up!"


"I swear I'll cone up with a plan, but don't leave me here all alone" I pleaded and her eyes watered again.

"It's for the best B, I don't really have a future here. I am truly just meant to be the baby momma of an abuser, and I don't want that"

"But you were the one who said Tyler was toxic, that he'll hit me. What am I supposed to do if that happens? Who am I supposed to go to?"

"Bree let be real, if you were to have a problem like that I just know that you would keep it to yourself. Anyways Tyler won't hit you, you told me he wouldn't"

"He might" I said just to convince her

"Then come with me"


"I'm serious Bree. The south side holds no future for us. We could move to some other town where nobody knows us and start over! Or maybe we could go to the city and become lawyers"

"We don't have any money"

"We can make money"

"What about Carl?" The idea seemed like a good one to be honest, but my mind was set in one place: Carl. I just got him back as a friend, I couldn't just leave.

"I'm sure Carl will come visit"

"Yeah he might" I thought.

Though I was gonna miss Carl, I couldn't just throw my future out the window for him. I did it once and look how things turned out! Maybe it's time to put myself first.

"Just go home and think about it" Mandy said interrupting my thoughts. "I'll be gone first thing in the morning, if you're not here then I'll know what your choice was" That sounded good. I had time to say my goodbyes and pack my bags.


"You know, just because we were born here doesn't mean we end up here"

" I-I wasn't born here"

"Well you're lucky then, but remember nothing should be holding you to this place, you're free to leave whenever you want and make a better life for yourself" She said while closing the door for me.

I didn't know at the moment, but those were Mandy Milkovich's last words I would here in a while. I would always remember those words.

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